International scientific and practical conference +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 01 June 2022
  • 2246

International scientific and practical conference



The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University within the framework of the “ACeSYRI” project “Advanced Center for PhD Students and Young Researchers in Informatics” of the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union (610166-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPK2-CBHE-JP) will conduct an International scientific and practical conference entitled “Digital transformation in the educational process and applied software” on June 9, 2022.

Participants: Partner institutions-members of the Consortium of the “ACeSYRI” project, teaching staff, PhD  doctoral and master students, bachelor students of universities of Kazakhstan and the CIS.

The purpose of the conference is to develop international cooperation with the Kazakhstan, CIS and European Union(EU) universities, as well as to exchange experience and methodologies in the field of science with foreign colleagues from near and far abroad. The conference aims to find information technology researches that can contribute to all industries.

Authors can submit their scientific articles in the following areas to the conference:

  1. Mathematical modeling and software of information, technical and economic systems
  2. Technological innovations in the context of digital transformation in scientific, natural science activities and production
  3. System programming and Software engineering
  4. «Digital Age: New in teaching methodology and practice»


Participation in the conference, publication of articles and issuance of a certificate are free of charge.

The reports will beissued after the conference.The best papers will be published in the University's “Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Bulletin”journal. Working languages of the conference areKazakh, Russian and English. In order to be included in the conference program, a participant must fill in the registration form with the title of the report (article) and send it in electronic form to the organizing committee by June 8, 2022.

Publication of materials: June 30, 2022. An electronic collection of the published articles and certificates will be sent to the authors.

Articles for publishing must be made in strict accordance with the following requirements:

Text of the article is no more than 5-7 pages and the registration form must be typed in a text editor MSWord:

  1. The tables, charts, figures should have a title and be typed in Windows;
  2. Margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm;
  3. Font: Times New Roman, font size – 12;
  4. Spacing: single;
  5. Indentation ("red line"): 1 cm;
  6. The paper title should be placed in the center after one blank line.



  1. Under the article title with an interval (a blank line) in the center the initials of the name, patronymic and surname of the author (-s) has to be typed in lowercase letters (in bold)
  2. Below: the full name of the institution where the paper was created (in italics), city (or district).
  3. Keywords related to the content of the article(in Kazakh/Russian and English languages).
  4. Abstract in Kazakh/Russian and English languages.
  5. The material of the article should be put after indentation with an interval (a blank line).
  6. References are typed at the end of the text and drawn up following with the order of reference works.



Application form

Full name


The educational institution/Place of work


Science degree, grade


Title of an article




Address, phone number, e-mail



The materials of the conference should be sent to e-mail:

Responsible persons: Adranova Asselkhan Bagdatovna +77026894389,  Kaiyrbek Anel Kanatkyzy +77770045273 (WhatsApp).

Phone: 8 (7242)  27-28-61 (124) (Engineering and Technology Institute)

The Organizing Committee is responsible for the selection process. 


A sample of an article:



UDC: ******


Master student of  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Kyzylorda. Kazakhstan


Doсtor of Technical Sciences, Professor,  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University. Kyzylorda. Kazakhstan



Background. Methods. Result. Conclusion.

Keywords: keyword; keyword; keyword.




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