Application 2024 +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Application 2024

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For foreign applicants >>>


Creative exam 

Schedule of creative exams

Creative Exam Counseling Schedule

Registration: June 20 - July 7

Date: July 8 - July 15

Responsible secretaries:

- Training of teachers of physical culture and initial military training: Seilbekov Abylaykhan Duysengazievich - 8 705 677 7172

Registration June 20 - July 7 (grant-based) June 20 - August 10 (fee-based)
Dates July 7 - July 12 (on the basis of a grant) August 10 - August 15 (on a paid basis)

- Journalism and reporting, music teacher training, performing arts: Kenzhalieva Bakytkul Turebaevna - 8 705 177 6994

Registration June 20 - July 7 (grant-based) June 20 - August 10 (fee-based)
Dates July 7 - July 12 (on the basis of a grant) August 10 - August 15 (on a paid basis)

- Training of teachers of art work and drawing. Fashion design, Choreography: Saniyazova Yerkemay Kazbekovna - 8 705 888 5952

Registration June 20 - July 7 (grant-based) June 20 - August 10 (fee-based)
Dates July 7 - July 12 (on the basis of a grant) August 10 - August 15 (on a paid basis)




A special exam for applicants who have chosen a pedagogical specialty

Registration: June 20 - August 24

For applicants participating in the grant competition: June 20 - July 12

For paid applicants: June 20 - August 20

Responsible secretaries:

Aliya Kalzhanovna Muidenova: +7 771 693 76 37

Omirzak Zhanabek Maksutovich: +7 707 554 80 10

Baimen Yerbolat Sauranbekuly: +7747 325 54 37



Note: applicants who take the creative exam do not take the pedagogical exam. The medical exam is conducted on the basis of a medical university. (there is no medical university in Kyzylorda)


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Social network
korkyt_university is the official Instagram account of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, where all relevant information about the life of the university is published.
talapker_korkyt is an Instagram page that helps applicants to get more information about admission to Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.
tel: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99



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