Нumanitarian and pedagogical Institute
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Нumanitarian and pedagogical Institute


  Welcome to the website of the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University!

  The Institute implements educational programs mainly of pedagogical direction. The Institute closely cooperates with Kyzylorda regional educational organizations, colleges, niches and the "Center of Pedagogical Excellence" in the training of teaching staff.

  To improve the quality of training of specialists with higher and postgraduate education, there is an academic council for the humanities and pedagogical direction and 28 branches of departments on the basis of schools and institutions of the Kyzylorda region.

  Specialists are trained on the basis of the Institute in the educational programs of bachelor's degree - 9, master's degree - 6, PhD - 1.

  According to the results of the National University Demand Rating conducted by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) in 2021, 3 educational programs took 2nd, 3rd place. 73% of graduates are employed in the first year of graduation.

Taiman Sagat Tamshybayevich
Director of the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute

501.png Taiman Sagat Tamshybayevich                                  501.png Abitova Zhanar Sabetkhanovna
___________________________________                         ___________________________________

Director of the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute             Deputy Director of the Institute

503.png  Taiman@korkyt.kz                                                     503.png  gulnur_u8282@korkyt.kz

 telephone.png   +7 702 876 2440                                                          telephone.png  +7 747 529 9355



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