Patent and inventive activity of the region +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 27 March 2024
  • 954

Patent and inventive activity of the region

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University held a meeting on the creation and sustainable development of the Center for support of technologies and innovations (TISC).
Head of the Department of inventions, utility models and breeding achievements A. Batyrbekova made a special report on the topic "Patent and inventive activity of the region". At the meeting, which was held in an online format, such issues as the main types of intellectual property and means of individualization, collection of technical solutions, Patent and information search, analysis of technical solutions taking into account the results of searches and the formation of characteristics were considered.

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The head of the Department of patent research and coordination of TISC N. Baktybayeva focused on the topic "National network of TICC of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the experience of TISC in the world and prospects for its development in the Kyzylorda region". Issues such as what is TISC and its tasks, requirements, and features were considered.
The issues of professional development of the center's personnel potential, information support and technical resources of the center were also raised.
At the end of the seminar, opinions were expressed on the issues of intellectual property and sustainable development goals: innovation and creativity for the benefit of a common future.

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