Scientists completed internships in Germany +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 29 March 2024
  • 1557

Scientists completed internships in Germany

Researchers of the scientific center of Archeology and ethnography Zhetesbi Sultanzhanov and Gulmira Amirgalina completed an internship in leading scientific organizations of the Federal Republic of Germany within the framework of the program "500 scientists". As part of the internship, they conducted research work at the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen and the Department of Eurasia at the German Institute of Archaeology.



A memorandum was signed between these two scientific organizations and Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Earlier, research work was carried out on the project "Formation and urbanization of the nomadic state in the northern region of the Great Silk Road: the city of Zhankent in the Early Middle Ages (Aral Sea, Kazakhstan), funded by the Eberhard Karl Tübingen University, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University and the DFG foundation of Germany.

During the internship, scientists continued their research in their areas of research on the internal structure, architecture and material culture of medieval cities located along the Syr region. In addition, they exchanged views with professors and teachers of the above-mentioned scientific organizations and conducted work in their libraries. At the University of Tübingen named after Eberhard Karl, scientific seminars and colloquiums were organized for foreign researchers on the topics "Critical thinking", "Using an effective approach to academic learning", "Self-management and goal orientation", presented by leading scientists of the university. Scientists got acquainted with the "Island of museums" in Berlin, the museums of Stuttgart and Tübingen.

A meeting was held with visiting scientists in the scientific center "Mustafa Shokai" in the Educational Building No. 1. The purpose of the meeting is to inform students about foreign scientific internships and training programs in the educational programs "History", "Archeology and Ethnology".




The meeting was attended by the director of the Humanitarian and pedagogical institute S.T.Taiman, the head of the educational programs "History and archeology" K.Z.Utkelbayev and teachers, students of the educational program "History", "Archeology and Ethnology", researchers of the scientific center of Archeology and Ethnography.

During the meeting, scientists shared their ideas about the research conducted during the internship, research in the scientific direction, problems in language acquisition, european methods of education and student life abroad.

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