Increasing state support for students in Kazakhstan +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 14 January 2025
  • 574

Increasing state support for students in Kazakhstan

In order to implement the instructions of the Head of State, Unified voluntary accumulation system called "Keleshek" has been developed.

This state support measure is intended for children of Kazakhstan aged 5 years and older to accumulate stable financial resources until they reach the age of 18 to pay for educational services in the country and abroad, including higher education, as well as technical and vocational education.

To participate in the Keleshek system, parents need to open an account with second-tier banks and insurance companies that are participants in the State Educational Savings System, where children who turn 5 in the current calendar year will receive a starting educational capital of 60 MCI (in 2025 it amounts to 235,920 tenge) and for orphaned children receive 120 MCI (471,840 tenge), an annual payment of a state premium of 5-7% and an investment income.

The condition of the Keleshek system is a mandatory annual minimum contribution by parents in the amount of at least 12 MCI.
The accounts will be insured by the Kazakhstan Deposit Guarantee Fund, and the amount of insurance payments will be insured by the Insurance Benefit Guarantee Fund.
In the case of receiving a state educational grant, the funds can be used to obtain postgraduate education.
In addition, the accumulated funds can be used to improve housing conditions and, if necessary, transferred to third parties.
The government continues its systematic efforts to increase scholarships for university students.

In 2025, scholarships for university and college students will increase by 2 times, and for master's and doctoral students - by 1.75 times.
Starting from September 1, 2025, the scholarship for Bachelor's students will increase to 52,372 tenge, and for students in pedagogical and medical fields – up to 84,000 tenge, for Master's students – 117,098 tenge, for Doctoral students – 262,500 tenge.

The scholarship will be paid to students in the internship in the amount of 94,862 tenge, and in the residency – 134,664 tenge.
In case of passing the exam session with "excellent", students still have the opportunity to receive an increased scholarship.
Scholarship allowances have been established for certain categories of students. The following have the right to them:
Persons with visual and hearing impairments who receive higher or professional, post–secondary, postgraduate education receive a supplement for Bachelor's students - 94651 tenge, Master's students – 204921 tenge, doctoral students – 459 375 tenge.

Persons with disabilities or maimed due to wounds, contusions, and diseases receive a supplement of 78,558 tenge for Bachelor's students, 175,647 tenge for Master's students, and 142,293 tenge for interns.
For orphans left without parental care or under guardianship, the scholarship is increased by 30%, that is, Bachelor's students – 68,083 tenge, Master's students – 152,227 tenge, interns – 123,320 tenge.
In addition to the state scholarship, there is a Presidential scholarship for students who have distinguished themselves in their studies, winners of Olympiads, creative contests, and sports competitions, which is awarded by decision of the academic Council of the university in the amount of 104,744 tenge.

The Presidential Scholarship can be awarded to students from the 3rd year of study and undergraduates from the 2nd year of study. Both state-funded students and those who study on a fee-basis are eligible for such a scholarship.

Construction of new dormitories for students

Until 2029, an annual commissioning of 10,000 places in dormitories is planned.
By the end of 2024, 11,096 places have been commissioned in the country.

In cities of Astana and Almaty project front offices are operating that provide consulting services for students in the country in order to timely obtain places in dormitories.
The size of the state order for the construction of dormitories for 2024 in Almaty has been increased from 144 MCI to 230 MCI, in other regions of the country, including Astana from 122 MCI to 195 MCI.
The amount of compensation for the reconstruction of facilities in dormitories has also been increased from 92 MCI to 182 MCI.

A public-private partnership (PPP) mechanism for the construction of new dormitories has been developed, which includes a phased reimbursement of investment costs from the state to the developer and the broad participation of business entities in the construction and reconstruction of dormitories.

In 2025, compensation in the amount of 100,050 tenge for living in university dormitories will continue be paid for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as youth who have lost or remained without parental care until adulthood and persons with disabilities of groups 1 and 2, persons with disabilities since childhood, and children with disabilities.

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