Kyzylorda scientists have proved that it is possible to save up to 25-30 percent of water on cultivated areas and get a rich harvest +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 10 October 2022
  • 1866

Kyzylorda scientists have proved that it is possible to save up to 25-30 percent of water on cultivated areas and get a rich harvest

In recent years, the shortage of water in the country has had a negative impact on agriculture. In this regard, scientists of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University carry out scientific work commissioned by the regional Department of Agriculture and Land Relations in order to save resources and increase labor productivity.

The Field Day was celebrated in the "Talapker"  peasant farm in the village of Abai, Kyzylorda, within the framework of the project "Introduction and dissemination in farms of the technology of adaptation of irrigated agriculture in the Aral Sea region of Kazakhstan to the conditions of climate change and water resources". The event was attended by representatives of the agricultural industry, scientists and students of the university, heads of farms of the region.

The scientists explained the importance of the project and demonstrated to the participants the technology of producing products in conditions of water scarcity. At the meeting, agricultural scientists in the field of agriculture presented the results of their research, starting with the development of a crop map and ending with the cultivation and collection of products.

"The technology we offer is based on the efficient use of the bioclimatic resources of the region. The moisture reserve accumulated in the soil in autumn-winter and early spring is not used in most cases. The main culture of the region is rice. The new technology consists in the fact that after laser grinding, rice grain is sifted to a depth of 0.5-1 cm with a special seed duct, threshed with a film and the place of grain ingress is pierced. The soil under the film quickly overheats and helps to retain moisture under the film, seed growth. With this technology, the plant does not need water until 2-3 leaves appear. The rice harvest is favorable for sowing 1-2 decades of April, white crops – in the second decade of March," said the project manager, Doctor of Technical Sciences Serikbai Umirzakov.

In addition, resource-saving seed material is saved up to 10 times.  It will be 10 times more economically profitable for the peasants. Scientists have proved that by growing a product without water for 15-25 days, you can save up to 25-30 percent of the volume of water. According to the results of the project, more than 14.7 c/ha of rice products were obtained in the region compared to the existing rice cultivation technology.

In addition, barley, wheat, oats, sugar sorghum, alfalfa, vegetable and melon crops were sown within the framework of the project, irrigation technologies were refined. The participants were presented with products grown by scientists and the latest multifunctional equipment used for research. The new technology proposed by the researchers within the framework of the Field Day was transferred to the heads of peasant farms for the purpose of introduction into production.
















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