The republican forum "Road show Enactus Kazakhstan 2022" was held in Kyzylorda +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 12 October 2022
  • 2088

The republican forum "Road show Enactus Kazakhstan 2022" was held in Kyzylorda

The international organization Enactus organized the republican forum "Road show Enactus Kazakhstan" in Kyzylorda. It was attended by students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, schoolchildren, young entrepreneurs.

Enactus is an international non–profit organization that unites students and business leaders who want to try their hand at entrepreneurship.

Acting Rector of the Korkyt Ata University Nurlan Urazbayev and President of the Enactus Kazakhstan Foundation Albina Yerzhanova signed a memorandum of cooperation. In the future, projects will be implemented to develop the entrepreneurial potential of young people. The vice-rector for Research and International Relations of the Korkyt Ata University, Mainur Buribayeva, noted that the educational institution provides great opportunities for young people who want to start their own business.

— To support new ideas, entrepreneurship development among students, there is an Entrepreneurship Center, - M.Buribayeva said. — Until today, the project "Startup Bolashak. Menin armanym", "Zhas project" program, hackathons "HackDay" and "Smart city Kyzylorda". For five years, the center has helped more than 7 thousand young people. 89 resident graduates graduated from the incubator, a total of about 70 million tenge was attracted.

The presentation was made by the president of the Enactus Kazakhstan Foundation Albina Yerzhanova and the director of the project Marzhan Zhangali, who told about future plans, new opportunities for schoolchildren and students.

Zhanarys Tubekbayev, Head of the Entrepreneurship Center at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, explained the ways to implement a business idea and attract investors.





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