Students got acquainted with the requirements of state programs +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 26 December 2022
  • 1516

Students got acquainted with the requirements of state programs

Graduate students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University received expert advice on the state programs "Youth Practice", "First Workplace", "Contract of Generations".

At the meeting, the chief specialist of the Kyzylorda City Employment Center, Zhaksylyk Adilet, spoke about the requirements of the program.


- This year, many young professionals who have graduated from an educational institution have started working under state programs. Specialists employed under the Youth Practice program work for 12 months and receive a salary of 91,890 tenge per month. During these 12 months, a young specialist can be hired on a permanent basis if he proves himself in a good way.

After graduation, young people who have not worked in any institution can also enter the service under the "First Workplace" program.

This year, 1108 specialists received a referral to the "Youth Practice" and were employed. Graduates of universities, regardless of what specialty they study, can apply for employment under the state program, - said Adilet Almatovich.


It is worth noting that currently among the students there are those who open their own business and engage in online trading. Since they are considered individual entrepreneurs, they cannot be employed under these programs after graduation. After all, these are programs for unemployed citizens. Also, specialists who have turned 3 years old from the date of graduation from the educational institution cannot participate in the program.

At the meeting, the head of the Center's department, Abylai Samyratov, answered the students' questions and familiarized them with the status of the programs.


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