Session of the I vice-minister of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova with lecturers and active youth +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 06 May 2022
  • 3226

Session of the I vice-minister of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova with lecturers and active youth

The I vice-minister of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova had a session with teaching staff and active students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University in the course of her working trip to the Syrland. The session was held within the framework of the Republican Congress of teachers of music, art work and instructors of additional educational institutions "Complex development of child: disclosure of creative potential". At the event, the Chairman of the Board-Rector Beibitkul Karimova reported on the work done in the field of education, science and on-going plans. 

"On the basis of the Standard of Professional education of the Australian state, the Korkyt Ata University has developed a "Model for formation of future teachers" in order to improve the quality of education in the pedagogical area. To implement the model, a bilateral Memorandum on the formation of a high-quality teacher for 2022-2025 was signed jointly with the Regional Department of Education. This year, 7,514 students will graduate from school in the region. And 61% (4733 students) of them chose a pedagogical direction. In this regard, in order to provide educational organizations of the region with high-quality teaching staff, the activity will be carried out on the management of research work, the organization of courses "Young teacher", the awarding of university grants to the winners of the subject Olympiad, the provision of discounts on tuition fees, etc.", - said Beibitkul Sarsemkhankyzy.


In addition, proposals on the issues of training specialists for the labor market, the status of teachers, improving the quality of education at universities, writing scientific articles by students and the UNT were made. 

In the course of the event, the achievements of the university in the field of scientific and innovative, academic policy and educational work, as well as projects of youth organizations were presented. There was also a book exhibition of scientific works of artisans and scientists of the University.

It should be noted that this year the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University successfully passed the international specialized accreditation procedure through the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR). As a result, 108 educational programs were awarded certificates of international specialized accreditation.

Currently, the educational institution has 8055 students. Educational and scientific activities of the university are carried out by 488 teachers-professors. Among them, there are 22 doctors of sciences, 175 candidates of sciences, and 34 PhD students.


Media Center of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt ata
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