A scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of Symbols was held
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  • 06 June 2022
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A scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of Symbols was held

The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University hosted a scientific and practical conference "Memlekettik ramizder–Tauelsizdiktin belgisi" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting was opened by the head of the Department of Public Development of the Kyzylorda region Mira Kazbekova and congratulated on the Day of State Symbols, which became the mascot of our independence. And Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Zhandos Bazartai noted the need for special respect for state symbols and stressed the importance of their propaganda for future generations. 

The event was attended by the teaching staff and students of the university, representatives of the intelligentsia. During the conference, the participants expressed their opinions and answered questions.

State symbols are one of the integral symbols of any state, embodying its identity and sovereignty. This year our country celebrates the 30th anniversary of the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who raised their flag high at the junction of civilized countries. The country has received recognition in the world with a high flag, a majestic coat of arms, a high anthem. The waving blue flag elevates the people's dream and elevates the spirit of our country. The coat of arms is Berik Shanyrak and folk wisdom, the song "Menin Kazakstanym" conveys the age-old dream of the ancestors. These are sacred pages of the modern history of Kazakhstan," said Amankul Azirbekova, senior lecturer of the Department of History, Master of Historical Sciences.

In addition, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Doctor of Philosophy Baymyrza Kozhamberliev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence, Candidate of Law Akzada Madalieva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Candidate of Philosophy Bolat Apenov, Professor of the Department of Architecture and construction production", Candidate of Technical Sciences Nurlybek Kelmagambetov, senior lecturer of the Department of History, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Bakytzhan Akhmetbek.


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