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History of the section «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics»
Section «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics» was established in 2013 on the basis of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics and Engineering Mechanics due to the structural changes at the university.
Educational programs of «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics», as an educational and scientific structural unit of the university, conducts educational, methodological, research, and educational work among students. Also provides training in theoretical, practical, and laboratory work in Kazakh and Russian languages in more than 25 disciplines assigned to the department for students in educational programs for the training of economic and engineering specialists.
The history Educational programs of «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics» originates from its establishment in 1976 at the Institute of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics on the basis of the Faculty of General Technical Disciplines. The first head of the department was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ziyakhanov B. S. The Department of General Physics, based on the basis of this department, was headed by: in 1979-1982, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Seisenov B. S.; in 1980-1984, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Karkynbayev I. K.; in 1985-1992, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. T.Toreshbayev; In 1993-1994 Candidate of Technical Sciences Matayev U. M.; In 1995-1996, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zh.Y.Yskakov; in 1996-2000, Candidate of Technical Sciences B. Zhanmoldaev, in 2001-2003, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. A. Tuyakbayev, in 2004-2006, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. B. Rystygulova; in 2006-2007, Candidate of Technical Sciences A. T. Urgenishbekov; from 2008-2011, the head of the department is Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, academic Professor E. A. Abzhanov.
In the history of the formation of the department, a special place is occupied by a Great Teacher who devoted his adult life to the education of generations, the author of many textbooks and teaching aids published in the Kazakh language M. B. Zholymbetov. the thoughtfully lived life of a scientist who taught theoretical mechanics and materials science remains an example for his collectives.
Educational programs of «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics» was founded in June 1980 as part of the Kyzylorda branch of the Zhambyl Hydro–Reclamation and Construction Institute. Initially, the department consisted of 2 candidates of sciences, 9 teachers.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kim G.R., senior teachers Tashimov R. T., Rakhmetova R. O., Abzhanov E. A., Myrzataeva K. R., Batyrbayev E. A., Omarov B. K., Zhanmoldaev B. Zh. work at the Department. Teachers B. Dilman and others worked at the department. The first head of the department was appointed a Candidate for Physical and Mathematical Sciences K.Karkynbayev. From 1971 to 1980 he worked as a teacher, senior lecturer at the N.V. Gogol Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute. In 1979, at the Specialized Academic Council of the Kyiv State University named after T. G. Shevchenko defended his dissertation for the title of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on the topic: "Investigation of weakly nonlinear switching systems and systems with pulsed action". From 1980-1989 he worked as the head of the newly opened Department of Mathematics and Applied Mechanics of the Kyzylorda branch of the Zhambyl Hydro–Reclamation and Construction Institute. In 1990-2002, associate professor of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Karkynbayev Iskak was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor", the anniversary medal "to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin (1970), anniversary medal "10th anniversary of Astana" (2008), Certificate of Honor of the Regional Council of People's Deputies (1986), awarded the badge "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996)", the badge "Y.Altynsarin" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009).
At different stages, the department was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. T. Toreshbayev, Candidate of Economic Sciences R. O. Rakhmetova, Doctor of Technical Sciences B. Zh. Zhanmoldaev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E. A. Abzhanov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. A. Tuyakbayev, A. Zh. Seitmuratov, Askarova G. Sh. Currently, the head of the department is Candidate of Economic Sciences Zh. T. Jalbirova. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Rakhmetova Rakhila Umirzakovna is currently a professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the new T.Ryskulov University of Economics.
Currently, the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mechanics employs 1 Doctor of Sciences (Zhanmoldaev B. Zh.), 7 Candidates of Sciences (Abzhanov E. A., Dilman T. B., Urgenishbekov A. T., Zhalbyrova Zh. T., Askarova G. Sh., Abuova A. U., A. K. Kalybaeva), 2 senior teachers (Z. M. Bayekeeva, D. J. Zhanysova), 8 Masters of Sciences (O. I. Tursymatova, M. M. Dilmakhanova, G. M. Makhanova, A. Aimyrzayeva, K. Kanibaevna, A. K. Smakhanova, A. J. Madelkhanova, S. A. Yarova).
Zhalbirova Zhainagan Tastanbekovna
Head of the section, senior lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences
8 777 256 9751
Teaching staff

Jalbirova Jainagan Tastanbekova
- Function: Head of the section, senior lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences
- Information

Abzhanov Yeraly Abdigapparovich
- Function: Acting Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Information

Dilman Torebai Bimaganbetuly
- Function: Аssociate professor, candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Information

Urgenishbekov Aitmaganbet Tursynbaevich
- Function: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
- Information

Abuova Asylzat Omirserikovna
- Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
- Information

Kalybayeva Akmaral Kunanbaikyzy
- Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
- Information

Mahanova Gulfairuz Meiyrmanova
- Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Information

Dilmahanova Mentai Mirzabekkyzy
- Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Information
Material and technical base of the educational program «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics»
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Admission committee of the educational program «Mathematics and Applied Mechanics»
Bachelor course:
Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5
Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99
Master's and doctoral studies:
Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5
Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99
Reception time
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday
korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University.
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