Section «Information Modeling Technologies» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

History of the section «Information Modeling Technologies»

Due to a shortage of professionals in the country capable of carrying out computer-aided design projects, the "Computer Design Center" was established in the university in the 2000s with the support of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) as part of the project "Technical Assistance to Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan," funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (SIDA). Among the founders of the Center were Ph.D. Nagashybaev G.K., Karibaeva S.A., Ospangaliyev G., Tursynbaev M., Kim I., Shevchuk E.V., and Kim L.G. They taught future specialists to apply computer-aided design systems in practice.
As part of the state program for the informatization of the education system in Kazakhstan, "Digital Kazakhstan," in 2019, the center was renamed the Center for Information Modeling Technologies. Today, the center is a section of information modeling technologies, headed by Master of Science Yermakhan Batyrzhan.

Composition of the Section

The contingent of the center's faculty consists of 6 full-time lecturers, including one Ph.D., and four lecturers with a master's academic degree. This accounts for 66.7% of the total faculty composition. The average age of faculty members holding scientific degrees and titles is 40.8 years, while the average age of center staff is 42 years.
Mission of the Section

 To ensure a high-quality level of training for highly skilled specialists equipped with the skills to work in information modeling and computer-aided design systems. These professionals should be capable of fully realizing their personal and professional potential for the development and transformation of society through the integration of education and science, as well as the generation and transfer of new knowledge and technologies.


501.png Yermakhan Batyrzhan

Section Head, magister of Science



Address: Abaya 66, Korkyt Ata building №5
Phone: 8(7242)23-71-01, (internal phone numbers: 129,130)



Teaching staff

Yermakhan Batyrzhan

  • Function: Section Head, magister of Science
  • Information

Balmakhanov Adylkhan Atymtaevich

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, magister of Science
  • Information

Suleimenova Zhanat Daurenbekovna

Kurbanov Dauren Tulegenuly

Tulegenova Gulnur Serikovna

  • Function: Lecture, master of in technical sciences
  • Information

Nurtasova Aliya

Suhan Aktilek

Alpanova Bakhyt

Material and technical base of the section «Information Modeling Technologies»

Кабинеты секции технологий информационного моделирования оснащены современными компьютерами и оборудованием. Компьютерные классы оформлены стендами и имеются учебно-методические средства необходимые в процессе обучения. Классы №410, 413, 414 оборудованы интерактивной панелью и интерактивными досками.


Admission committee of the educational program of the section «Information Modeling Technologies»

Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University. 

Services available



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