Educational program «Finance, Accounting and Audit» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

History of the educational program «Finance, Accounting and Audit»

The еducational program «Finance, Accounting and Audit» was established in September 2021 by merging two departments - Finance and Accounting and Audit, each of which has its own 30-year history of development.
The Educational programs of Accounting and Audit was established in 1991 and for all these years it has been headed by the following scientists: Professor, Doctor of Economics U.Z. Shalbolova, Professor, Doctor of Economics K.S. Sydykov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economics A.Z. Nauryzbayev, Candidate of Economics A.T. Raіymbekova, Candidate of Economics A.D. Aimagambetova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economics A.A. Akhmetova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economics A.K. Oralbayeva. 
The Educational programs  of Finance was established in 1995 and for all these years it was headed by the following scientists: Candidate of Economics A.S. Zhumakhmetov, Candidate of Economics B.N. Shamenova, Candidate of Economics J.A. Anafiyaeva, Candidate of Economics A.K. Bakhitzhanov, Doctor of Economics E.I. Makhnitskaya, Candidate of Economics M.Sh. Kushenova, Candidate of Economics B.H. Aidosova, Candidate of Economics K.S. Jrauova.
Since September 2021, the Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit has been headed by Ph.D. in Economics B.H. Aidosova.
Currently, the teaching staff of the department includes 7 candidates of Sciences (A.J. Nauryzbayev, B.H. Aydosova, N.J. Urazbayev, A.D. Aimagambetova, E.J. Ydyris, B.K. Nurmaganbetova, A.A. Makenova), 2 PhD doctors (A.J. Bukharbayeva, A.A. Akhanova), 8 masters (Sh.A. Kapanova, A.Zh. Mashaeva, M.U. Smaylov, R.K. Aitmanbetova, Sh.Zh. Seitzhagiparova, G.N. Bisembayeva, N.S. Kusaeva, N.M. Kamalova) and senior lecturer (A.S. Alimbetov). 
Mission and strategy

In 2019, the bachelor's degree programs 6B04141 – Accounting and Auditing, 6B04143 – Finance, as well as in 2021, the master's degree programs 7M04144 – Finance (scientific and pedagogical), 7M04145 - Accounting and Auditing (scientific and pedagogical) passed specialized international accreditation for a period of five years.
Since 2014, in accordance with the Program "Trilingual education system", the Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit has been conducting classes in Kazakh, Russian and English for students.
It should be noted that the teaching staff of the department has professional certification, namely:
- Associate Professor, PhD doctor A.Z. Bukharbayeva has a certificate of "Professional Accountant" (Zerde Training Center, Astana, certificate dated 12.05.2018), a qualification certificate of "Tax Consultant of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Chamber of Tax Consultants, Nur-Sultan, certificate dated 05.08.2020), an auditor's qualification certificate (Qualification Commission Union of Auditors of Kazakhstan on certification of candidates for auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, certificate dated 09.12.2020);
- Associate Professor, Ph.D. A.K. Oralbayeva and senior lecturer, c.e.s. А.Zh. Mashayeva have a certificate of "Professional Accountant" (Eurasian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Almaty, certificate dated 10.06.21).


501.png Oralbayeva Aizhan Kuantkanovna         

Head of educational programs, candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


 telephone.png    8 776 878 2876

Educational program «Finance, Accounting and Audit»

>  The еducational program of «Finance, Accounting and Audit» trains specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor course
6B04141 – Accounting and Audit
6B04143 – Finance
7M04144 – Finance (scientific and pedagogical)
7M04104 – Finance (profile)
7M04145 - Accounting and Audit (scientific and pedagogical)
7M04105 – Accounting and Audit (profile)

Teaching staff

Oralbayeva Aizhan Kuantkanovna

  • Function: Head of educational programs, candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Information

Nauryzbayev Asylbek Zhumabayevich

  • Function: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Information

Aidosova Bakhitzhamal Khangereevna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Information

Makenova Aigul Akimzhanovna

  • Function: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Information

Urazbayev Nurlan Zhetkergenovich

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Academic Associate Professor
  • Information

Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zhetybaevna

  • Function: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Doctor
  • Information

Kusaeva Nurgul Satzhanovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Economics
  • Information

Razakova Aliya Akhanovna

Alimbetov Askat Shyngysbaevich

Ydyris Yerkebulan Zhalgasuly

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Information

Nurmaganbetova Begzat Kosherovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Information

Smaylov Murat Omirzakovich

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Economics
  • Information

Aitmanbetova Raua Karatayevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of accounting and audit
  • Information

Aida Daukarayevna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, сandidate of Economic Sciences
  • Information

Kulakaeva Indira Zhagiparovna

  • Function: Master of Economic Sciences, Lecturer
  • Information

Ospanova Gulpat

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Statistics
  • Information

The material and technical base of the educational program «Finance, Accounting and Audit»


The educational programs «Finance, accounting and audit» are equipped with a laboratory class «1C:Accounting Version 8.3», equipped with 20 modern computers included (HP 290 G3 MT). The following disciplines are conducted in this office: Computerization of accounting, 1C: Accounting 8.3, 1C: Accounting in industries, IT Accounting. The study of these disciplines includes a set of lectures, practical and laboratory classes that allow you to impart practical skills in organizing accounting in an automated program.


Admission committee of the educational program «Finance, Accounting and Audit»


Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University. 

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