Educational program «Foreign languages and translation» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

The history of the educational program «Foreign languages and translation»

The history of the educational program “Foreign Languages and Translation” dates back to the period when in 1937 the Korean Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute was transferred from the Far East to Kyzylorda. Over the years, there were experienced teachers-scientists-linguists and methodologists: Abuov Zh. A., Nurakhmetov E. N., Ergalauov A. E., Makhambayev Zh. S., Musayeva N.M., Zhaksylykov O. Zh., Daminova R.Kh., Kundebaeva M.K. Izdeliev K.I., Esirkepov E.E., Smailov A.S., Altynbasov M., Bazyl E.B., Seydaliyev K.Zh., Ruzaikina G.B., Nurzhanova G.A., Aknazarova Z.M., Bekbulatova S.A., Snasapova G.Zh., Tynyshtykbayeva A.B., Abenova R.Y., Nurekeshova G.R. and etc.
The Department of Romance-Germanic Philology was headed for many years by E. N. Nurakhmetov, M. K. Kundebayeva, A. B. Tynyshtykbaeva. Due to the presence of structural changes, on August 29, 2012, based on the merger of the departments of Translation, Romance-Germanic Languages and  Oriental Studies, the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation was created. The head of the department from 2012 to 2019 was Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor M. Sh. Zhumagulova, from 2019 to 2021 Master of Pedagogical Sciences Sh. U. Baimakhanova, from 2021 to 2022 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A. P. Makasheva. In the 2022-2023 academic year, in the process of optimization, the Department of “Foreign languages and translation” and the department of “Practical English” were transformed into the educational program “Foreign languages and translation”. Master of Pedagogical Sciences Beknazarova Ulzhan Umirzakovna was appointed to the position of head of the educational program.
The staff of the department of “Practical English”, which has long been an educational and scientific structural unit of the university, has made a significant contribution to educational, methodological and scientific work.
The first head of the department of “Practical English” was a scientist, teacher, qualified specialist, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor T. I. Kenshinbai. From 2001 to 2005 PhD. Zhumagulova M. Sh., from 2005 to 2006 PhD. Snasapova G. Zh., from 2006 to 2008, M.Sc., senior lecturer Zhapbarov N.A., from 2008 to 2012, PhD., Associate Professor Sadybekova S.I., from 2013 to 2017 . – Diuanova R.K., from 2017 to 2018 the department is headed by PhD. Sci., Associate Professor Sadybekova S. I., from 2018 to 2020 PhD., Associate Professor Nurekeshova G. R., from 2022 to 2023 academic year the department is headed by M.P.S., senior lecturer Bekish Erbol Tneibekovich.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, 1 PhD, 8 candidates of science, 31 masters of Science are working in the educational program “Foreign languages and translation”. The educational program studies specialists in the areas of “Foreign language: two foreign languages” and “Translation studies”. In the specialties prepared by the university, classes are held in the Kazakh and Russian departments in the subjects “Foreign Language”, “Professionally Oriented Foreign Language”, and in the master’s program - “Foreign Language (Professional)”.
In 2013-2014 academic year, foreign teachers worked in the educational process - visiting professor, PhD An Syuhyun from the Research Institute of National Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Korea, Korean language teacher, Doctor of Psychology Son Hyesoo, English language teacher on assignment from the US Embassy in Kazakhstan, Master of Linguistics Sandra Lee. Currently, there are 3 volunteer teachers Kim Jinkyung, Kim Yongbeom and Anna Kubas, who also lead the “Speaking English club” in English and Korean.
In 2021-2022 academic year, as part of the program to attract foreign teachers to the educational process, from the Kazan Federal University, from the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philology Marina Ivanovna Solnyshkina gave lectures on the discipline “Language” and Discourse" for master's students of the educational program "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" and "Translation Studies".
From 2012 to 2017, as part of the academic mobility program, a number of foreign professors carried out educational activities in the following subjects: Professor Said Abbas Mohammed - Arabic language, professors - Kim Phill, Kim Ji Eun, Jong Rangki, Ji Ho Yeung, Ann Sue Hyun, Song Hye Soo, Park Jonkin - Korean language, Lucy Kralova, Lianna Stickel, Sandra Lee - English language, S. Mustafa - Chinese language; A. V. Lyulina - Theory and practice of translation,    M. I. Solnyshkina - Problems of linguistics.
As a result of the “Rating of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan - 2016”, carried out by the independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), educational program 5B011900 (6B01725) - Foreign language: two foreign languages took 6th place.
Since 2014, teachers of the department have been taking international exams IELTS, since 2020 TOEFL and improving their qualifications.
The main directions of scientific activity of the department: Comparative typology, Theoretical and practical problems of sociolinguistics, Intercultural communication and translation, Modern methods of foreign language education.
Mission of the educational program «Foreign languages and translation»
Providing training of competitive foreign language specialists in the field of higher and postgraduate education, focused on solving problems of intensive development of the most important areas of education, science and culture of a pedagogical and humanitarian profile, contributes to the industrial and innovative development of the region and Kazakhstan as a whole.
Determination of educational programs
As a result of the implementation of this strategy, the country is achieving international recognition due to its exceptional business reputation, which ensures a high level of training of foreign language specialists who are able to be competitive both within educational programs and beyond.
The purpose and objectives of educational programs in the field of quality:
- to further improve the quality of education, train highly qualified competitive specialists in foreign languages and translations for work in the domestic and international labor market, develop sustainable mutual understanding between different peoples and cultures; strengthening the status of the department as one of the leading humanitarian and socio-cultural centers of the region, actively participating in the integration processes of the scientific and educational space, expanding research and innovation activities.
- creating the necessary conditions for obtaining quality education aimed at developing foreign language, communicative and professional competence of future specialists in the field of education and translation studies;
- development of creative and spiritual qualities of the student’s personality - highly professional, civil and patriotic;
- formation of highly qualified teaching staff and creation of conditions for professional growth of teachers;
- introduction and effective use of innovative technologies that facilitate the rapid adaptation of knowledge, as well as the formation of the student’s ability to self-improvement and search for new knowledge in connection with changing labor market conditions.


501.png Beknazarova Ulzhan Omirzakkyzy              

Head of the educational program, master of pedagogical science, senior lecturer


 telephone.png    8 701 414 3227

Educational program «Foreign languages and translation»

> The educational program «Foreign languages and translation» prepares specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor's degree
6В01725- Foreign language: two foreign languages (English-Chinese, English-Korean, English-Arabic, English-Turkish)
6В02335 - Translation studies
Master's degree
7М01723-Foreign language: two foreign languages
7М02335- Translation studies.

Teaching staff

Beknazarova Ulzhan Umirzakkyzy

  • Function: Head of the educational program, master of Pedagogical science, Senior lecturer
  • Information

Mariyash Shirdayevna Jumagulova

  • Function: Аassociated professor, candidate of philological sciences
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Kenshinbai Temirbolat Ibraiuly

  • Function: Senior lecturer, academic Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
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Kamisheva Gulnur Abbassovna

  • Function: Associate Professor of the Department "Foreign Languages and Translation", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Sadybekova Salima Izbaskankyzy

  • Function: Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor
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Diuanova Raikul Kenesbayevna

  • Function: Acting Associate Professor, Ph.D.
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Prmaganbetovna Aizhan Makasheva

  • Function: Senior lecturer, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Abadildayeva Shyrynkul Kelesbaevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, мaster of pedagogical Sciences
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Yessembekova Shyrynkul Tukenovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, мaster of Pedagogical Sciences
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Ibragimova Elmira Aitkhozhakyzy

  • Function: Senior lecturer, мaster of Humanities
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Uisinbayeva Yessenkul Bagdatkyzy

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Baimakhanova Sholpan Ussenkyzy

  • Function: Master of pedagogical sciences, Senior lecturer
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Kypshakbay Nuraiym Kenzhebekkyzy

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of philology
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Bainiyazova Elmira Merekekyzy

  • Function: Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Aubakirova Kunduzy Kydyrbaevna

Khegai Natalya Robertovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Humanities
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Mamyrbayeva Makhabbat Kazbayevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Humanities
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Bekish Yerbol Tneibekuly

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Karimova Galina Alikovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Education
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Tanybergenova Saule Sergeevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
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Zhapbarov Nurgazy Absadykovich

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master in Humanities
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Hye Jin Yoo

  • Function: Lecture, master of Teaching Korean as Second Language
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Shukenova Kuralay Seitovna

  • Function: Senior teacher, master of pedagogical sciences
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Sardarova Elvira Asanbekovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctoral Student
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Mukhanova Marina Zhumabayevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
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Biltekenova Gulmira Baimakhanovna

  • Function: Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Sembiyeva Gulmira Makhambetovna

  • Function: Lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
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Tashenova Zhanat Akhtaevna

Begenaliyeva Diana Amirkhanovna

  • Function: Lecture, Master of Pedagogical sciences
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Anuar Indira Asanovna

Nitalieva Bakhytkul Kydyrovna

Madibayeva Sveta Kosherbaykyzy

Ussenova Gulnur Sagidullaevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Humanities
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Mussina Assel Bektayevna

  • Function: Lecture, Master of Pedagogical sciences
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Daribayeva Zhadyra Anafiaevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Iztleuova Zhanna Bakhytzhanovna

Baimen Erbolat Sauranbekuly

Seifullina Kamilla Didarbekkyzy

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of pedagogical sciences
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Bayzhanova Gulnur Nurymbekovna

Ailauova Zhazira Slamkhankyzy

  • Function: Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Information

Kim Jinkyung

Anna Noelle Kubas

Abzhekenova Bibinur Ganikyzy

Material and technical base of the educational program «Foreign languages and translation»

Language lab

111 laboratory

112 laboratory

115 laboratory


Multimedia and linguistic classroom



Admission committee of the educational program «Foreign languages and translation»

Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University. 


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