Section «Philosophy and social and humanitarian disciplines» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

The history of the section «Philosophy and social and humanitarian disciplines»

The Educational programs of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines is one of the fundamental collectives of our university, which has a significant place, history and traditions among the departments of social and humanizing disciplines.
In 1998, as a result of the merger of the Kyzylorda Humanitarian University named after Korkyt ata and the Kyzylorda Polytechnic Institute named after Ibray Zhakhayev, the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies was established. From 1998 to 2004, the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies was headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kozhamberliev B. K., from 2004 to 2006, from 2008 to 2012- Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Kulbasheva G. K., from 2012 to 2020-Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Bermakhanov O. B.
Mission and strategy

Despite the change in the name of the department, the fundamental directions of the team remain the urgent task of developing attitudes to the world in society, spiritual values, and the formation of a high standard of scientific socio-humanitarian culture in accordance with the new situation. The current head of the department has been headed by PhD J. O. Abikenov since 2020. The department has 1 Doctor of Philosophy, 6 Candidates of Sciences, 1 PhD, 4 Masters of Sciences.
PPS  The Educational programs of Philosophy and Cultural Studies currently teaches philosophy, Cultural Studies, Political Science, Sociology for bachelor students, Philosophy and History of Science for masters, logic for law students.
The main scientific direction of the department is the study of spiritual, humanitarian and social problems of Kazakh society, the study of traditional Kazakh philosophy and its topical problems of development of modern Kazakhstan.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Kulbasheva G. K., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor Abdramanova A. T. studies the problems of the world and traditional Kazakh culture.
Questions concerning traditional Kazakh philosophy are studied by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor B. Kozhamberliev, problems of the rule of law and civil society-Candidate of philosophical sciences O. B. Bermakhanov, on the role of language processes in the formation of Kazakh culture -A. S. Zhanbatyr, problems of legal consciousness-Candidate of philosophical sciences B. M. Apenov.
Cultural and sociological problems in the process of cultural values of the region are studied by Abikenov J. O. Abenov E. M. studies the history of the formation of Kazakh diasporas abroad. N.R. Nurpeisova, E. U. Ilyasova, S. E. Sakhiev, M. B. Syzdykova, K. D. Narymbayev is engaged in the study of the national idea and youth policy of modern Kazakhstan.
In these areas, teachers of the Educational programs improve their knowledge in universities of foreign countries, the CIS and the Republic of Kazakhstan, participate in various international and republican scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical conferences.
In 2020, senior lecturer of the Educational programs Abikenov Zh. O. graduated from the doctoral program of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in the specialty 6D020400-"Cultural studies' ' and defended his dissertation on the topic: "Semiotic analysis of cultural values of the region". Also, the lecturer of the department, M. B. Syzdykova, received a doctorate from Kazan Federal University in the specialty “22.00.04-social structure, social institutions and processes'', having defended her dissertation on “Labor strategies of graduates of Kazakhstan universities in the context of regional specifics".
Currently, the Educational programs of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines has extensive experience in scientific, theoretical and educational work. The Educational programs has its own aura, image and moral and psychological climate. In addition, the activities of the department include close ties with the staff of other departments, institutes, the university as a whole and the entire scientific community of the country. Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at Kyzylorda University. Korkyt Ata Since with the Institute of History and Ethnology. A memorandum has been signed with the head of the department, the scientists of the department are in close contact with these scientific institutes.
As a result of this scientific partnership, on November 19, 2020, the republican scientific and practical conference in the online format "philosophical heritage of Abai" was held with the participation of scientists from research institutes and on April 16, 2021, the republican scientific and practical conference "Auezkhan Kodar and independent Kazakh humanities", on May 6, 2020, Candidate of Political Sciences, to the anniversary of the associate professor The republican scientific and practical conference "Problems of development of methods of teaching disciplines of social and humanitarian direction" was held by Abenov Erbol Mubarakovich.
In accordance with the plan of advanced training and retraining of personnel at the department, teachers of the Educational programs take part in regular courses and seminars of advanced training.
The Educational programs of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines strengthens its professional status and tries to keep up with the tasks facing sovereign Kazakhstan.

Development program for 2023-2029



501.png Abikenov Zharkynbek Oralbekuly                                   

Section Head, PhD Doctor


 telephone.png    8 777 611 0082

Teaching staff

Abikenov Zharkynbek Oralbekuly

Bermakhanov Ongar

  • Function: Сandidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer
  • Information

Baimyrza Kozhamberliev

Kulbasheva Galiya Kasymkhanovna

  • Function: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Associate Professor of Social and Humanitarian disciplines.
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Abenov Yerbol Mubarakovich

  • Function: Candidate of Political Sciences, Assistant Professor
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Apenov Bolat Meiramovich

  • Function: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, senior lecturer
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Abdiramanova Aigul Temirkhanovna

  • Function: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
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Makhambetova Maria Alievna

  • Function: Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
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Zhanbatyr Amangeldy Sapabekovich

  • Function: Master of Humanities, Senior Lecturer
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Ilyasova Elmira Umirzakovna

Murat Nassimov

  • Function: Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
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Sakhiev Saulet Ernazarovich

  • Function: Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer
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Syzdykova Makpal Barhiyaevna

  • Function: Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior lecturer
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Botagoz Paridinova

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, master of Philosophy
  • Information

Admission committee of of the section «Philosophy and social and humanitarian disciplines»


Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University. 

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