Palace of Students +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Palace of Students

Students’ Palace of the Korkyt ata Kyzylorda State University was built in 1971. Then it was used as a hall of the N.V. Gogol Pedagogical Institute. After its reconstruction and installation of necessary equipment the hall was used as a cinema.

In the period of 2001-2012 it was a major overhaul of the building. It was equipped with a modern sound and light apparatus which allowed the Palace to be of the real center of culture of the region. To date, there is an auditorium for 460 seats, rooms for amateur, rooms for recording and rehearsals, the sound engineer's office and a small room for 30 seats. In the Students’ Palace is a place for important public activities of the region both of regional and national scale: all kinds of forums, conferences and seminars with representatives from various ministries, departments and offices.

With great joy the students wait for the traditional festival "Student Spring", participation in which gives them the opportunity to get to the regional or national festival of students. The Palace has often the KVN competitions which involved students from various universities and secondary schools area.

Since April 2010 at the Students’ Palace the student theater “Zhaukazyn” created with the support of the regional akimat, the Civic Alliance and Corporate Foundation “Igilik” has started its activity. The theater involved students who have artistic data and passed a special casting. The repertoire of student’s theater has the audience favorite performances - "Kyz zhylaghan" of R.Muhanova, "Kelіn" of K.Rakhman, theatrical production "Ol zhalghyz - bіz ekeumіz." " " is a name of their vocal and instrumental ensemble created by students at the Palace; its participants are the teachers of the university. The ensemble is actively involved in all activities. The ensemble's repertoire consists of songs of Kazakhstan composers ("My Homeland," "Song of driver," "Ballad of a Mother", etc.).

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75 Zhakaeva str.

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