Department of science +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Department of science


Saktaganova Nargul Amanovna
Director of the Department of Science

Main tasks:
1. Implementation of the strategic directions of the scientific and innovative policy of the University in accordance with the priorities of the development of national science and regional economy;
2. Development of research, scientific, technical and innovative activities of institute, departments of the university;
3. Assistance in improving the quality of personnel training by actively using the results of scientific research in the educational process, attracting students to their implementation, forming scientific schools and highly qualified scientific teams;
4. Organization and implementation of scientific and technical events on the basis of the university;
5. Development of international cooperation with foreign universities and research centers.

Main functions:
1. Planning, organization and coordination of research work, research projects, research and development by scientific structures and teaching staff of the university.
2. Conclusion of contracts for the implementation of scientific projects, for carrying out research, research and development with the SC of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with enterprises and other relevant organizations by types of scientific research.
3. Planning and organization of work on the creation of new scientific centers, laboratories and other scientific structural units.
4. Development of scientific and technical cooperation with foreign and domestic scientific centers and higher educational institutions.
5. Development of the system of commercialization of effective scientific projects, technologies, patents.
6. Coordination and control of work on the consideration and approval of topics of dissertations, consolidation of scientific consultants;
7. Assistance in the publication of scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals;
8. Control and coordination of work on foreign scientific internships, research practices of PhD doctoral students.
9. Planning and organization of work on scientific conferences, forums, symposia, seminars, exhibitions based on the results of research.
10. Control of the issue of the journal «Bulletin of the Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata», preparation for the publication of collections of works of the teaching staff and conference materials held at the university.
11. Coordination of the activities of Dissertation Councils.


Contact phone numbers: 8 (7242) 26-33 01
Address: 120014, Kyzylorda city, Aiteke bi street, 29 A, main academic building


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