Department of educational process organization and dispatching service

Zharylgapova Dina Muratovna
Head of Department
The Department of Educational Process Organization and Dispatch Service is a structural subdivision of the Academic Policy Department. The department ensures the improvement of the organization of the educational process at the university. The department reports directly to the head of the academic policy department.
Main task:
1. Organization of the educational process and control over its implementation in accordance with the State Standard of Compulsory Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents approved by the rector of the university;
2. Organization and management of educational and methodological work on the implementation of educational programs at the university in accordance with the state license for the right to conduct educational activities;
3. Improving the quality of educational services. Generalization of the schedule of open lessons, monitoring progress;
4. Control over the formation and movement of the student contingent of the University;
5. Conducting research on the quality of the organization of the educational process in institutes and checking the compliance of the documentation with the requirements of regulatory documents;
6. Preparation and further development of forms and methods of teaching;
7. Conducting analysis to identify opportunities for improving the situation in institutions;
8. Drawing up documents on the hourly payment of the teaching staff;
9. Organization of the activity of the final certification commission in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
10. Receiving and maintaining personal files from the University Admission Committee after the end of student admission; Registration of personal files of students and making changes to the database in accordance with the orders; Registration of a written request for documents of students transferred from other universities; Registration and sending documents of students transferred to other universities, as well as those expelled;
11. Preparation of answers in accordance with the standards of public services (filling in a duplicate diploma and certificate of incomplete education);
12. Consideration, storage and transfer of personal files of university graduates to the archive of the university;
13. Respond to requests from the NSC, the financial police and other organizations;
14. Keeping records and issuing strict reporting forms; Preparation of applications for strict reporting forms (diplomas, certificates issued to those who have not completed their studies, student cards and their registration and registration);
15. The department of the educational process organization plans, organizes and controls the delivery of all types of professional practice in accordance with the schedule of the educational process of the university. Carries out the conclusion of memorandums, contracts with departments of the region, city and enterprises for professional training. Provides comprehensive methodological assistance to heads of practice in organizing and conducting all types of practices. Participates in orientation and wrap-up conferences on practice.
16. Prepares draft orders for the organization of the educational process, including preparing draft orders for the provision of discounts on student tuition fees.
Main functions:
1. Supervises the organization of the general educational process at the university on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the resolution of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and orders of the rector of the university;
2. Supervises the delivery of training sessions, activities carried out at the departments, as well as the elimination of deficiencies identified during the audit;
3. Keeps track of the schedule of classes and attendance of students for the Platonus, E-Univer programs;
4. Prepares documents for participation in the competition for the placement of a state educational order for the training of specialists with higher education for the new academic year, held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6. Prepares quarterly and annual reports on the contingent of undergraduate students in the form 1-17.
7. Organizes the work of the final certification commission in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Collects proposals for the candidacies of the chairpersons of the final certification, sends letters of consent, letters of invitation to the chairpersons of the final certification). Submits the results of the final certification of graduates for consideration by the Academic Council.
8. Prepares a list of qualifications in three languages for graduating specialties;
9. Prepares an annual statistical report on the movement of the contingent of undergraduate students in the form 3-NK; Supervises the formation and movement of the student contingent of the University (ESUVO - Unified Management System for Higher Education and determines the contingent of students in the information system NBDK-NOBD "National Educational Database");
10. Monitors the contingent of students studying on the basis of state educational grants, educational grants at the expense of the local budget.
11. Prepares documents for a scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a scholarship of the Foundation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
12. Determines the timing of awarding state scholarships based on the results of examination sessions of students studying on the basis of educational grants in accordance with the schedule of the educational process.
13. Prepares documents for participation in the competition for filling vacancies in training on educational grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
14. Organizes republican Olympiads (prepares draft orders and correspondence);
15. Prepares draft orders and orders related to the organization of the educational process at the University, draws up orders for business trips of students;
16. Prepares draft orders and orders related to the organization of the educational process at the University, draws up orders for business trips of students;
17. Develops action plans to improve the educational process, participates in the development of internal rules of the university;
18. Supervises the implementation of the monthly load of teachers, makes monthly reports of the departments on the implementation of the teaching load;
19. Carries out work on the accounting of the hours completed by the teaching staff on the basis of hourly wages, transfers them to the accounting department for payment.
20. Draws up the register of the university classroom fund for the academic year;
21. Participates in commissions for analysis, audit of educational and methodological work of institutes and departments;
22. Supervises the work of the advisor-curator.
23. Organizes the work of the public commission and the appeal commission during the winter and summer sessions;
24. Organizes an additional summer semester;
25. Control over the timely collection of data on the movement of students;
26. Accepts, checks, stores personal files of students;Makes changes to the Platonus program on student orders;
27. Carries out quantitative and qualitative accounting of the contingent of students and their movement, entering information into the database of students, monitoring the timely updating of the university database.
Dina Muratovna Zharylgapova - head of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
Fomenko Elena Veniaminovna
E-mail:, tel: +7705 448 44 70
Saparbayeva Alma Bimurzaevna- chief methodologist
E-mail:, tel: +7 778 282 5267
Berzhanova Lyazzat Mergenovna- chief methodologist
tel: +7 707 391 6624
Zhumataeva Zhazira Bayserikovna - head of the practice
E-mail:, tel: +7 777 179 9715
Sagynbayeva Zhanar Yeralkhanovna - methodologist
E-mail: , tel: +7 778 926 5858
Musayeva Gulsim Kydyralievna - methodologist
Эл. почта: , tel: +7 705 953 3108
Yerimbetova Aizhan Kurmanalievna - methodologist
E-mail: , tel: +7 778 313 4174
Sagimbayeva Roza Tynymbaevna - methodologist
E-mail: , tel: +7 747 456 8841
Akhmetova Zaure Uzakbaevna - methodologist
E-mail: , tel:+7 707 823 7768
Medetbaeva Karlygash Medetbaykyzy - methodologist
E-mail: , tel: +7 771 222 3535
Akkulova Zhanat Zhumabekovna - methodologist
E-mail:, tel: +7 707 288 0352
Akishbaeva Kenzhekul Usenovna - methodologist
Эл. почта: , tel: +7 705 548 8305
Nurymbetova Akmaral Srazhovna - methodologist
E-mail:, tel: +7 705 902 2232
Esbatyr Bayan Adilbekovna - methodologist
E-mail: Bayan98@korkyt.k, tel: +77474059223
Karamergenova Saule Kaldybekovna - inspector
E-mail: , tel: +7 705 765 9415i
Kazbekova Gulnaz Galievna - inspector
E-mail: , tel: +77760133003
Kozhabekova Altynay, Alzhanova Ainur Ongarbayevna - specialist
E-mail:, tel: +7 777 056 7938
Baibatsha Gulfat Esbolovna - office manager
E-mail: , tel: +7 775 463 6019
Serikbayeva Gulbakhyt Koibagarovna - methodologist
Email: tel: +7 705 706 63 74
E-mail: Contact phone numbers: 8 (7242) 27-09-96, 26-41-64.Address: 120014, Kyzylorda city, Aiteke bi street, 29 A, main academic building