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- Scientific сenter «Archeology and еthnography»
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- Master's Degree itinerary for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Work plan to increase the number of international students for the 2024-2025 academic year
- The annual work plan of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence for career guidance for the 2024-2025 academic year
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- Media
Department of Coordination of educational programs and planning of the educational process
Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zhetybayevna
Head of the Department of Coordination of Educational programs and planning of the educational process
Main tasks:
1. Upbringing of a new generation of highly educated and highly intellectual specialists.
1. Upbringing of a new generation of highly educated and highly intellectual specialists.
2. Participation in the activities of the university for its integration into the world educational and scientific information system.
3. Deepening the theoretical and practical individual training of students in the chosen direction of science and pedagogical activity, creating conditions for the mastering of the most important and stable knowledge by doctoral students and undergraduates, providing a holistic perception of the scientific picture of the world.
4. Development of students' ability for self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastering of new knowledge during their entire active life. 5. Training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, capable of forming and practically solving modern scientific and practical problems, teaching in higher educational institutions, carrying out research and management activities and successfully competing in the external and internal labor markets.
3. Deepening the theoretical and practical individual training of students in the chosen direction of science and pedagogical activity, creating conditions for the mastering of the most important and stable knowledge by doctoral students and undergraduates, providing a holistic perception of the scientific picture of the world.
4. Development of students' ability for self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastering of new knowledge during their entire active life. 5. Training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, capable of forming and practically solving modern scientific and practical problems, teaching in higher educational institutions, carrying out research and management activities and successfully competing in the external and internal labor markets.
5. Planning the OP in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of the University;
6. Monitoring the implementation of the University's OP;
7. Development of internal regulatory documentation for the formation and approval of educational programs;
8. Planning and coordination of educational and methodological work in the implementation of educational programs of the university in accordance with the state license for the right to conduct educational activities, the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents approved by the Rector of the University;
9. Providing methodological assistance to departments in developing educational programs in accordance with professional standards and employer proposals, organizing seminars, conferences;
10. Monitoring the compliance of educational programs included in the register of educational programs of the authorized body in the field of education with the State mandatory Standard of Higher Education and developed taking into account the National Qualifications Framework and the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the field of education;
11. Presentation of information and reporting information on the implementation of the OP of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; organization and conduct of internal audits in the structural divisions of the University;
12. Analysis of the quality of educational process planning and compliance with regulatory requirements;
13. Improvement of the educational process and improvement of the quality of educational activities; implementation of academic mobility in accordance with the Rules of the organization of the educational process on credit technology training;
14. Coordination of work on the implementation of multilingual education;
15. Providing methodological assistance in organizing the activities of Academic Councils in the areas of personnel training.
6. Monitoring the implementation of the University's OP;
7. Development of internal regulatory documentation for the formation and approval of educational programs;
8. Planning and coordination of educational and methodological work in the implementation of educational programs of the university in accordance with the state license for the right to conduct educational activities, the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents approved by the Rector of the University;
9. Providing methodological assistance to departments in developing educational programs in accordance with professional standards and employer proposals, organizing seminars, conferences;
10. Monitoring the compliance of educational programs included in the register of educational programs of the authorized body in the field of education with the State mandatory Standard of Higher Education and developed taking into account the National Qualifications Framework and the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the field of education;
11. Presentation of information and reporting information on the implementation of the OP of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; organization and conduct of internal audits in the structural divisions of the University;
12. Analysis of the quality of educational process planning and compliance with regulatory requirements;
13. Improvement of the educational process and improvement of the quality of educational activities; implementation of academic mobility in accordance with the Rules of the organization of the educational process on credit technology training;
14. Coordination of work on the implementation of multilingual education;
15. Providing methodological assistance in organizing the activities of Academic Councils in the areas of personnel training.
Main functions:
1. Implementation of educational activities in the system of postgraduate professional education through magistracy and doctoral studies
2. Development of regulatory documents on the organization and management of postgraduate education at the university
3. Organization and control of the learning process for undergraduates and doctoral students. 4. Participation in the work of coordinating the work of departments and other structures to organize and improve the organization of the educational process and research work of undergraduates, doctoral students in the system of postgraduate education.
5. Participation in the organization of professional practice, foreign internships and academic mobility of doctoral students and undergraduates, as well as scientific exchange of teaching staff and their administrative support.
1. Implementation of educational activities in the system of postgraduate professional education through magistracy and doctoral studies
2. Development of regulatory documents on the organization and management of postgraduate education at the university
3. Organization and control of the learning process for undergraduates and doctoral students. 4. Participation in the work of coordinating the work of departments and other structures to organize and improve the organization of the educational process and research work of undergraduates, doctoral students in the system of postgraduate education.
5. Participation in the organization of professional practice, foreign internships and academic mobility of doctoral students and undergraduates, as well as scientific exchange of teaching staff and their administrative support.
6. Plans the educational process in accordance with the rules of the organization of the educational process on credit technology of training and approved internal university regulations;
7. Develops Rules for the preparation and approval of educational programs;
8. Provides methodological assistance to departments in the formation of educational programs;
9. Coordinates the work on the preparation of working curricula, catalogs of elective disciplines, catalog of disciplines of university components, educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, controls the preparation of the schedule of the educational process, academic calendar;
10. Plans and organizes the implementation of the academic mobility program;
11. Supervises the work of academic quality committees in the areas of personnel training;
12. Determines the norms for calculating the time of the teaching load of the teaching staff of the university, determines the amount of the teaching load and staff, submits for approval, analyzes the calculation of hours and the distribution of the teaching load in the department;
13. Supervises the implementation and improvement of multilingual educational programs (teaching staff, academic groups, contingent);
14. Makes suggestions for improving the training system;
15. Carries out work to improve internal regulatory and methodological documentation related to the educational process;
16. Prepares references and information on issues considered for the Academic Council, the Rector's Office;
17. Provides information on requests and letters from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7. Develops Rules for the preparation and approval of educational programs;
8. Provides methodological assistance to departments in the formation of educational programs;
9. Coordinates the work on the preparation of working curricula, catalogs of elective disciplines, catalog of disciplines of university components, educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, controls the preparation of the schedule of the educational process, academic calendar;
10. Plans and organizes the implementation of the academic mobility program;
11. Supervises the work of academic quality committees in the areas of personnel training;
12. Determines the norms for calculating the time of the teaching load of the teaching staff of the university, determines the amount of the teaching load and staff, submits for approval, analyzes the calculation of hours and the distribution of the teaching load in the department;
13. Supervises the implementation and improvement of multilingual educational programs (teaching staff, academic groups, contingent);
14. Makes suggestions for improving the training system;
15. Carries out work to improve internal regulatory and methodological documentation related to the educational process;
16. Prepares references and information on issues considered for the Academic Council, the Rector's Office;
17. Provides information on requests and letters from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zhetybaevna - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department
Email: Bukharbayeva.akmaral@korkyt.kz
Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zhetybaevna - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department
Email: Bukharbayeva.akmaral@korkyt.kz
Phone: 8(7242) 26-15-57, +7 705 144 02 46
Tasbergenova Gulmira Zhadrasynovna - Master, Chief Methodologist
Email: Gulmira71@korkyt.kz
Phone number: +7 747 898 67 20
Kalybaeva Maira Maksutovna - methodologist of the department
Email: Kalybayeva_m@korkyt.kz
Phone number: +7 705 187 52 90
Tasbergenova Gulmira Zhadrasynovna - Master, Chief Methodologist
Email: Gulmira71@korkyt.kz
Phone number: +7 747 898 67 20
Kalybaeva Maira Maksutovna - methodologist of the department
Email: Kalybayeva_m@korkyt.kz
Phone number: +7 705 187 52 90
Duzbayeva Asel Toybazarovna - methodologist of the department
Suintayeva Gauhar Sagiduovna - methodologist of the department
Email: Gaukhar@korkyt.k
Phone: 8 (7242) 26-38-45
Ongar Aitolkyn Erkinovna - methodologist of the department
Email: Aitolkynnn11@korkyt.kz
Phone: 8 (7242) 26-38-45
Kim Venera Vladimirovna - methodologist of the department
Email: Venera74@korkyt.kz
Phone: 8(7242) 26-38-45
Kim Venera Vladimirovna - methodologist of the department
Email: Zhaxygul@korkyt.kz
Phone: 8(7242) 26-38-45
E-mail: magistratura_korkytata@mail.ru
Contact phone numbers: +7(7242)26-15-57, 27-44-09, ext.- 129
Address: 120014, Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi str., 29 A, Main educational and administrative building, office No. 309
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