Admission Committee +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Admission Committee


Edilbayev Nurzhan Baskoskanuly
Executive Secretary of the admissions committee

Main tasks:
- Formation of a contingent of students in accordance with the strategy, development program and plan of the university;
- To the Chairman of the Board – to make suggestions to the Rector of the university on the composition of the admissions committee;
- The admission committee consists of an executive secretary, a deputy executive secretary, a senior technical secretary, technical secretaries and a programmer.
- Development and approval of university admission rules;
- Provision of the summer reception campaign (June-August), winter reception (November-January next year);
- Consultation on the problems of the group of educational programs, familiarization with the procedure of entrance exams;
- Ensuring the availability of information for applicants on the official website of the university;
- Remote consulting in offline and online modes and the implementation of documents through available means of communication;
- Receiving and processing documents through the e-government web portal;
- Acceptance of applications for master's and doctoral studies through the NTU information system;
- Organization of creative exams for persons who have submitted documents to the admissions committee for the relevant educational programs of the university.
- "Admission of creative exams from citizens entering higher education institutions on educational programs in the field of education that require creative training";
- Organization of special examinations in the relevant educational programs of the university;
- Passing a special exam in the field of education "Pedagogical sciences";
- Acceptance of students' documents and organization of entrance exams;
- Organization of admission of persons entering the university according to educational programs of higher and postgraduate education;
- Monitor the conduct of entrance examinations, including zero tolerance for fraud, corruption and plagiarism in entrance examinations, to ensure quality standards at the university;
- Admission to similar areas of higher education training, qualified as a "specialist of the middle generation" or "applied bachelor", with technical and vocational or post-secondary education, requiring shorter study periods;
- Admission of persons with higher education to educational programs with reduced terms of study;
- Admission to master's and doctoral studies on a competitive basis based on the results of comprehensive testing or entrance exams;
- Admission of citizens with secondary general education who have completed military service;
- Admission of foreign citizens for training based on the results of an interview;
- Archiving of documents of the personal file of students and applicants who are not enrolled for storage, with an act of acceptance and transfer for storage;
- Conclusion of an agreement with students on the provision of educational services;
- Issuance of an order on enrollment;
- Analysis of the results of the work done and reporting on the work of the Admissions Committee;
- Development of the work plan of the admissions committee for the next academic year.

Main functions:
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III "On Education" ;
- Standard rules for the activities of educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education, approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595;
- Rules for conducting Unified National testing and provision of public services "issuance of a certificate of passing a Unified national test", Order No. 204 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 02, 2017;
- Standard rules for admission to educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, Order No. 600 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018;
- Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 27, 2018 No. 500 "On approval of the classifier of specialties and qualifications of technical and vocational, post-secondary education"
- "Methodological recommendations on the correspondence of groups of educational programs of higher education and specialties of technical and vocational, post-secondary education", approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04/01/2019 No. 134
- Rules for conducting comprehensive testing, approved by Order No. 190 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 8, 2019;
- Charter of the NjSC "Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University";
- Development strategy of the NjSC "Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University";
- Regulations on the admission committee of the NjSC "Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University"

Edilbayev Nurzhan Baskoskanuly - Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee
+7 (724) 223 53 92   +7 778 609 65 98


Nurzhan Suleimenov - Deputy Executive Secretary - Doctoral Studies

Tel: 8 775 830 82 83


Бимаханов Талант Дүйсенұлы -  Deputy Executive Secretary

Tel:  8 705 222 41 01


Буланбаева Перизат Урунбасарова - Technical Secretary of the Admissions Committee

Телефон: +7 705 151 71 29


Алимбетов Аскат Шынгысбаевич - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 747 177 47 57


Муйденова Алия Калжановна - Technical Secretary, Doctoral studies, Special examination

Tel:  8 771 693 76 47 , 8 701 477 35 76


Тілеулі Әл Фараби Маратбекұлы - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 747 673 06 46


Кенжалиева Бахыткуль Туребаевна - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 777 242 78 08



Серікбаев Ербол Әлібекұлы  - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 707 355 12 76


Арыстанбек Абай Русланұлы  - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 700 630 18 58


Өмірзақ Жаңабек Мақсұтұлы   - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 707 554 80 10


Сейілбеков Абылайхан Дүйсенғазыұлы    - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 705 677 71 72


Амангелді Жанерке Берікқызы   - Technical Secretary


Абдразакова Алмагуль Умурзаковна    - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 777 656 92 87, 8 705 725 08 86 


Бәймен Ерболат Сауранбекұлы     - Technical Secretary

Tel:  +7 747 325 54 37


Саниязова Еркемай Қазбекқызы - Technical Secretary, Творческий экзамен

Tel:  8 705 888 59 52


Әжіғали Айнұр Асқарқызы - Technical Secretary

Tel:  8 702 978 96 17




Address: Kyzylorda, N. Nazarbayev Ave., 15, academic building No. 5, 1st floor.
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday, 09:00-18:30, Lunch – 13:00-14: 30.

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