Laboratory of technical means and automation Systems +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Laboratory of technical means and automation Systems

The 2023-2024 academic year began with positive news in the educational program “Electric Power, Technosphere safety and ecology". The most ambitious of them is the opening of the educational program “automation and control". 
The specialty "Automation and Control" trains specialists in the design and assembly of automation devices and computer systems. 
The educational program includes the study of equipment, hardware and software, communications and interaction between them. 
Due to the funding of the university, the new laboratory room, which is part of the new educational program, has been completely renovated and equipped with modern technologies. 
 The staff of the Automation Lab company conducted a seminar for the teaching staff of the Automation and Control Department on methods of using laboratory installations. During the seminar: 
1. learn how to measure automation measuring devices;
2. learn how to measure fluid flow;
3. Measurement of industrial level sensors;
4. study of instruments and temperature sensors;
5. investigation of pressure sensors and devices;
6. industrial pneumatic automation;
7. familiarized with the principles of operation of programmable relay research stands, explained the technological processes.

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