The staff of the university took part in an environmental action +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 23 March 2024
  • 918

The staff of the university took part in an environmental action

March 23 – Tazaru (Cleansing) Day
On the last day of the decade "Nauryz" Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University held an environmental action dedicated to the Tazaru (Cleansing) Day. 

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On the day of cleaning, all employees of the team made a great contribution to solving environmental problems in our region. With the Botanical Garden, the entire territory of the university building was cleaned.

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"In March, moving from winter to spring, a new life begins in nature. We really need fresh air, which is released from plants. Therefore, we took care of the sown willows and cleaned organic matter from household waste. It is important to clean organic matter from household waste that does not rot in the soil," said Samalbek Kosanov, senior lecturer of the Department of biology, geography and chemistry, candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
Employees of the team cleaned the territory of the building, whitewashed the bottom of the trees in the Botanical Garden and removed the garbage. 
Member of the board of the university – vice-rector for scientific work and international relations Mainur Abiltaevna, «The Nauryz holiday has been designed to preserve the purity of nature since time immemorial. It is necessary to spread the idea of environmental protection among citizens on a daily basis and to develop an ecological culture in society.” she thanked the employees who took an active part in the action.


Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
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