An office was opened in honor of the respected scientist +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 17 April 2024
  • 1061

An office was opened in honor of the respected scientist

In the framework of the month of science "Science will save the World-2024", the office of a scientist-teacher, candidate of technical sciences Bakytbek Kultanov was opened at the Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University. The opening ceremony was attended by the university administration, friends, students and descendants.

Scientist Bakytbek Kultanov turned 75 this year. A man who has consciously devoted his life to the architectural and construction arts, the education of the younger generation. The respected teacher began his career as a simple builder. Further, working as a specialist, he becomes the head of the site, then comes to the educational sphere. In 1986, he defended the title of Candidate of technical Sciences in the specialty "Construction Mechanics", trains professional personnel for his region. On the occasion of Science Day, a special office in honor of the scientist was inaugurated at the university.


Today, even at retirement age, he tirelessly passes on his knowledge to the younger generation. "We not only train specialists for production, but also train Staff for science. Because if science doesn't develop, production doesn't develop, so I'm doing science. By teaching students to make reports, I also want to instill a love of science.  I not only tell you how to use theoretical knowledge in practice, but also show you," says the hero of the day.

As part of the anniversary, an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council was held at the University. There were enthusiastic reviews about the civilian appearance of Bakhytbek Kultanov. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dana Meiramovna presented a Certificate of Honor from the akim of the region Nurlybek Mashbekovich and conveyed congratulations to the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna, congratulated Bakytbek Kultanovich and his wife Balymkul Adambayev and traditionally dressed the national Chapan at the hero of the day.


Professor Serikbai Umirzakov conveyed congratulations from the Rector of the K. Satpayev Polytechnic Institute. Friends from the university Shahizada Ibragimov, Malik Alpysbayev congratulated the hero of the day. Kamal Baitasov, Head of the Department of Bolashak University, Gulshat Duzelbaeva, Director of the Institute of Economics and Law, Bakhytbek Abzhalelov, Director of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, and Dina Zhapakhov, on behalf of the students, made warm wishes.

A friend, writer Aypbergen Baltabayuly expressed his opinion: "The prospects of Kyzylorda University are very great. This is a respected educational institution that prepares successful, confident young people for a strong and fair future of Kazakhstan."


At the end of the meeting, the university administration presented the badge "Korkyt Ata Gold Medal" to the son of the scientist Nurbek Bakytbekovich, who sponsored the opening of the 18th  Classroom

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