New regulatory policy from a clean slate: basic approaches +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 03 March 2023
  • 2225

New regulatory policy from a clean slate: basic approaches

In his message, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, K.K. Tokayev, dated September 1, 2020, instructed to introduce "regulation from scratch".

To implement this order, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

№ 95-VII dated December 30, 2021 "On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the introduction of a new regulatory policy in the field of entrepreneurship and the redistribution of certain functions of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was developed and adopted.

Regulation "from scratch" is an approach to state regulation of entrepreneurial activity, which restricts such regulation only to cases where there is an objective risk to the life and health of people, ecosystems and the rule of law. This approach obliges government agencies to formulate requirements for business in such a way that they are motivated, practically feasible, clearly stated and do not allow double interpretation.

In order to clarify the new regulatory policy from a Clean slate, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan initiated seminars that took place from February 17 to 24, 2023 in three cities of Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty, Shymkent). The following issues were considered at the seminar: A new regulatory policy from scratch: basic approaches (speakers: Talgat Yeshenkulov, Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Gulzat Kobenova, Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan);

Register of educational programs: topical issues (speakers: Aidos Mukhatayev, Director of the National Center for the Development of Higher Education);

The issues under consideration aroused great interest from representatives of universities, speakers shared their experience, made suggestions for improving the work of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also answered numerous questions on problems in the field of higher and postgraduate education. During the discussion, there were "heated" disputes, proposals were made to improve regulations. Representatives of universities were able to receive answers from the heads of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to explain the criteria for assessing the degree of risk and checklists for the system of higher and postgraduate education.

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