Coordination meeting-seminar of Consortium members on the ACESYRI project of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 21 April 2023
  • 1211

Coordination meeting-seminar of Consortium members on the ACESYRI project of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union

Тhe first decade of April this year, the coordinator of the ACESYRI project of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union "Advanced Center for PhD students and young researchers in the field of computer science", the University of Zilina of Slovakia gathered all members of the Consortium for a coordination meeting-seminar. After the pandemic, the project participants met for the first time in Europe.

The Dean of the Faculty of Management and Informatics, Professor Emil Krshak, as well as the project coordinators, Professor Elena Zaitseva and Professor Vitaly Levashenko, welcomed the participants at the coordination seminar. The team of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University was represented by Konyrbaev N.B.-Head of the Department of Computer Science and Kenshinbai T.I.-head of the group for work with international projects and scholarship programs, made a presentation and information about the work done on the project during the reporting period.

During the seminar, the parameters of the implementation of all working packages of the project were discussed, which were presented by the leaders of the project packages.



The members of the consortium were trained for two days to use the functionality of the ACESYRI portal in the laboratory of the University of Zilinа. All project teams reported on the work carried out during the reporting period for each work package, took part in question and answer sessions. During the discussions, proposals were made for the development of the portal, for deepening the partnership of universities, for the dissemination and recognition of the results and achievements of the project, quality assurance and monitoring processes, procedures and possible risks in the implementation of work packages of the entire project to ensure its sustainability. At the same time, financial issues and implementation plans for 2023 were also discussed.

Due to the fact that this year is the final year for the project, seminars, conferences, summer schools for PhD students, undergraduates and young teachers at KazNITU Satbayev, Suleуman Demirel University, West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, University of Lodz (Poland), University of Zilina (Slovakia), University of Lorraine (France) are planned for the remaining period.

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