The XXV traditional student scientific conference was held in Kyzylorda +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 26 April 2023
  • 1279

The XXV traditional student scientific conference was held in Kyzylorda

The XXV traditional student scientific conference "Digital transformation of science and education on the path of sustainable and innovative development" was held at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

The conference was attended by Board Member – Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Mainur Buribayeva.

- The university pays special attention to the work on attracting students to science. Our main goal is their adaptation to the development of innovative projects and technologies, the implementation of new knowledge and ideas.

Scientific works of young people devoted to topical problems of the region's economy are supported annually. Last year, 6 grants (10 million tenge) were allocated to young scientists of the university. This year, after the development of these grants, a new competition for young scientists will be announced, – said Maynur Abiltayevna.



An exhibition of creativity and achievements of students was presented at the conference. Student Abeken Aibek invented the Kazakh computer game "Dark Maze", and Aisagali Amirgaliuly proposed a solution to the problem of unemployment. Student Ongar Karakat told about the benefits of the medicinal drink "Sarysu", enriched with vitamins, for the human body.

Students of Almas Mirlanuly also made presentations on the topic: "Teaching effective methods of solving trigonometric equations and inequalities through interactive programs", Bakytali Zhambyl "Kazakh-language literary sites and portals: topic and problem".

It is worth noting that the university has a student scientific society "Zerde" in order to coordinate the research work of students.

Last year, 9 projects, 3 projects on international programs, 3 projects from the regional budget were carried out with the participation of students on the basis of grant funding from the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result of mutually beneficial cooperation with large business structures, the research and development work (R&D) of the PetroKazakhstanKumkolResources and the Fund companies was carried out.

At the end of the conference, Board Member – Vice–Rector for Research and International Relations Maynur Buribayeva presented the awards of the Chairman of the Board - Rector to students who have achieved scientific success.





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