For the first time, methods of sowing clover with a cover culture of barley were carried out +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 11 May 2023
  • 1302

For the first time, methods of sowing clover with a cover culture of barley were carried out

Scientists of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University are conducting research to increase soil fertility.

In the desert zone of the Aral Sea region, an experiment is being conducted to study the effect of the productivity of the clover on the seeding rate, water regime, and the sowing of the clover in the cover culture of barley. Scientists carry out scientific work in the agrobiological center of the university.

Clover is a drought-resistant, cold-resistant, groundcover plant. Animal feed containing coumarin is high in protein and rich in vitamins and mineral salts. Clover can produce a bountiful harvest in dry years with a low moisture content.


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Under the guidance of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Laura Tokhetova and Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Raushan Nurymova from Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Agricultural Technologies, students are conducting experimental work in the Agro-Biological Center aimed at increasing crop yields, natural and climatic conditions of the region.

In particular, students of the AGR-20-1 Bayansulu Tolegen group and the CD - 21-1 group of the Department of Water Management and Land Management Dias Aibolatov, Bekturgan Beksultan ZU-21-1 Akbergen Zhasulan take part in the research work.

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