Department of Social and Educational Work +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Department of Social and Educational Work


 Zhanar Bimuratkyzy
Head of the Department of Social and Educational Work

The university undertakes comprehensive educational work, with the primary goal of activating the activities of the student self-government system.
The following are the top priorities for implementing educational work:
- Expansion of the student government system;
- Organization of effective leisure time for students;
- Activation of students' creative and intellectual activities;
- Formation of a leadership student environment at the institution;
- Сreation of a university atmosphere centered on leadership among students.
Educational Process Principles:
- the principle of priority of humanistic values arising from the needs for the formation of a student's personality, his civic position, the formation of a sense of patriotism, through the development of his abilities to work, creative abilities, education of tolerance, versatility, the formation of leadership qualities of a personality;
- the ethnic principle arising from the need for familiarization with national culture, mastering common cultural values that contribute to the prosperity of national culture on the basis of civil harmony and harmony, achievements in public relations, familiarization with the spiritual sphere, including traditions, language, mental basis and ethnic reason;
- the principle of democracy, which presupposes harmony, equality, partnership of interests of the individual and society;
- the principle of consistency, which assumes the unity and continuity of the educational process;
- the principle of coordination of individually oriented education - self–discipline with collective forms of action;
- the principle of taking into account the abilities and personal qualities of students;
- the principle of the connection of education with state and public life
Department Structure
Zhanar BimuratovkyzyHead of the Department of Social and Educational Work
Phone: +7 708 505 8382
Mustafayeva Altynai – Principal Methodist
Phone: +7 777 656 30 82
Zhakip Zhussup  - Methodist
Phone: +7 702 884 8080 
Arailym Badanova - Specialist
Phone: +7 747 724 6171
Aygerim Nurmanova - Specialist
Phone: +7 702 975 1334
Zura Alimzhan - Specialist
Phone: +7 777 662 5688
Work number: +7 (7242)27-41-91
29a Aiteke bi str., main academic building, office 317

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