Board +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92



    Chairman of the Management Board

   Karimova Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna
    Candidate of Philological Sciences

    Address: 120014 Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi str., 29A



In 1994, she graduated from the Kazakh women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Russian language and literature teacher at the Kazakh school, candidate of philological Sciences
Work experience
1995-2003 - Deputy dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh state women's Pedagogical Institute of Almaty, teacher, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian philology
2003 -2008 - Vice-rector for academic affairs of Almaty University of Continuing Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian language and literature of the Kazakh state women's Pedagogical Institute
2008-2011 - Director of the College of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty / director of the College of the Kazakh National University im.Al-Farabi, Almaty
2011-2019 - Director of the Republican scientific and practical Center "textbook" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan
05.01.2020-30.06.2020-rector of RSE on PCV" Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
01.07.2020 – 21.12.2020-acting chairman of the management board-rector of the non-profit Joint Stock Company" Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University "in connection with the reorganization of the non-profit Joint Stock Company" Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University".
Since 22.12.2020 – Chairman of the Management Board-Rector of the non-profit Joint Stock Company" Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University", member of the Board of Directors



    Member of the Management Board

   Abdrasheva Dana Meiramovna
   Board Member-Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

   Address: 29A Aiteke bi str., Taranda, 120014




Work experience
Vice-rector for academic affairs of NAO "korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University" 
Master of Education Management from Nazarbayev University;
Doctoral student of the Department of social sciences at the University of education of Hong Kong;
Scientific Assistant of the Project" One Direction, One Way initiative and international cooperation in the field of Higher Education between Hong Kong and Kazakhstan";
Teacher of English at the Eurasian humanitarian Institute;
Head of the Department, Chief Analyst of the Department of international cooperation of S. D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University;
Chief analyst of the Department of higher and vocational education of JSC" information and analytical center", deputy director of the Department;




   Member of the Management Board

    Buribayeva Mainura Abiltayevna
    Vice-rector for research and international relations

    Address: 120014 Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi str., 29A


1999- Al-Farabi  Kazakh National University , bachelor's degree;
2002- Al-Farabi  Kazakh National University, master's degree;  
2004- Al-Farabi  Kazakh National University , postgraduate course;
2013 - Kazakh Multidisciplinary Institute "Parasat", bachelor's degree;
Qualification: "Philologist. Teacher of  Russian language and literature", "Bachelor of Kazakh language and literature".
Academic degree: candidate of philological sciences. In 2005, she defended her dissertation "Lexical variability of turkisms in the memoirs of the XI-XVII century."10.02.01 – Russian language "  (scientific director-Doctor of philological sciences, Professor . N.J. Shaimerdenova"

Labor activity:
1999-2001: Secondary  school №14 Almaty city, teacher of Russian language and literature;
2001-2003: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialist of the Academic Council service;
2003-2005: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, postgraduate studies of the department of general linguistics;
2006: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, leading specialist of the Department of training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel (lecturer of the Department of Russian philology);
2006-2019 : L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, associate professor of the Department of theory and practice of translation;
2019-2022 : L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, head of the certification of scientific personnel and postdoctoral studies, director of the Department of Science and commercialization (concurrently – associate professor of the Department of theory and practice of translation).




   Member of the Management Board

    Bazartai Zhandos Nurtaevich
    Vice-rector for social and traning activities

    Address: 120014 Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi str., 29A




Bachelor's degree, Master's degree , Doctorate
Graduation year and name of the educational institution:  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, 2009;  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University (Master's degree) 2011; The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (doctoral studies) 2019;
Academic degree, academic status:  Master of  Pedagogical Sciences in the Russian  Presidential Academy of  National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) 
Labor activity:
2007-2012 - Kyzylorda region. Assistant of the Rector for Youth Affairs at  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
2007-2012 - Kyzylorda region.  Chairman of the public association "Youth Union of students"
2009-2012 - Kyzylorda region. Director of the corporate Fund "ZhasOtan"
2009-2012 - Kyzylorda region. Chairman of the regional branch of youth wing "ZhasOtan", NDP "NurOtan",
2012-2014 - Kyzylorda region. Head of the Department of Youth Policy
2014-2015 - Kyzylorda region. Deputy Chairman of  NurOtan Party,
2015-2015 - Kyzylorda region. Deputy Mayor(Akim) of  Kyzylorda city
2015-2019 - Moscow.  Student of the Russian  Presidential Academy of  National Economy and Public Administration 
2015-2015 - Kyzylorda region. Executive Director of the Public Association "Young Researchers Alliance"
2015-2016 - Kyzylorda region. Advisor of the Rector for Youth Policy at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
2016-2020 - Kyzylorda region. 2018-2019 –.Kyzylorda region. Chairman of the Association "Civil Alliance of Kyzylorda region"
2019-2020 - Kyzylorda region. Acting Vice-Rector for Educational Work at  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
2020-2020 - Kyzylorda region. Head of the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
2020-2020 - Kyzylorda region Acting Vice-Rector for Educational Work at  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
2020-2021 - Kyzylorda region. Acting Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work at Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University
2021 - Kyzylorda region. Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University
2021 - Kyzylorda region. Host of the program "Akikat alany" on the regional channel "QYZYLORDA"




    Member of the Management Board

   Tomanov Makhmut Muratovich
    Board member - vice-rector for strategic development and  it IT






Университет Международного Бизнеса, 2006 г
(Экономика и управление народным хозяйством), доцент университета
Еңбек жолы:
01/2023 –Н.В. - МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РК Г.АСТАНА Советник министра по цифровизации (внештатный) 
06/2020- 09/2021 - Образовательного центр «Интеллект» г.Алматы Директор
2019-2020 ASTANA IT UNIVERSITY г.Астана Директор Центра компетенций
01/2018- 10/2019 - НАО «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи» г.Алматы Советник Председателя Совета Директоров
01/ 2010 - 04/2018 - Фонд Первого Президента Республики Казахстан – г.Алматы Председатель Совета Молодых Ученых при ФПП РК Заместитель Председателя Совета Молодых Ученых при ФПП РК Член Совета Молодых Ученых при ФПП РК
09/2013– 01/2018 - Университет имени Сулеймана Демиреля (г.Каскелен, Карасайский район) Корпоративный директор Ассистент -профессор кафедры «Менеджмент и Маркетинг»
04/2012 – 04/2016 - РГКП «Институт Экономики» Комитета Науки Министерства Образования и Науки РК г.Алматы Научный сотрудник, руководитель научного проекта «Развитие инновационных кластеров на базе инфраструктуры «Астана Еxpo-2017»:концептуальные основы и механизмы реализации»
05/2010 – 04/2012 - Международный Университет Информационных Технологий. (IT Университет) ( г.Алматы Доцент кафедры «Менеджмент и Общественные дисциплины». Заведующий секцией «Экономика»
11/2006 -09/2009 - Университет Международного Бизнеса г. Алматы (U.I.B). Председатель Совета Молодых Ученых (Аспирантов и Соискателей) при Университете
2008 – 2009 - Университет Международного Бизнеса г. Алматы (U.I.B). Преподаватель кафедры «Менеджмент» (по трудовому соглашению)
2008 – 2009 - Университет «Туран» г. Алматы. Преподаватель кафедры «Менеджмент»(по трудовому соглашению)
2006 – 2007 - Университет Международного Бизнеса г. Алматы (U.I.B). Преподаватель кафедры «Экономика и менеджмент» (по трудовому соглашению)
06/2005-09/2006 - АО «Народный Банк Казахстана» , г. Алматы Управление продаж Операционно-кассовых услуг юридическим лицам №2: Сектор Валютного контроля, Сектор платежей Департамент МО, Управление Торгового Финансирования Департамент Контроллинга Департамент сопровождения SAP
20.01.2005-30.12.2009 - Туристическая компания «Sinar Rover» г.Алматы
06/2005-08/2005 - АО«Народный Банк Казахстана» (Головной банк) г. Алматы.    
05/2004 – 08/2004 - ГЦТ «Алматытелеком». г.Алматы Прохождение ознакомительной практики в финансовом отделе службы Экономики и Финансов. Экономист
06/2003 – 01/2004 - ОЮЛ «Капур», Алматы (Объединение промышленных предприятий и консалтинговых компаний ,общей целью которого является достижение устойчивого развития в РК). г.Алматы
01.07.2002 – 01.09.2003 - Туристическая компания «UFUK» г.Алматы Менеджер по туризму


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