Сhief editor
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Сhief editor

Omarov K А.JPG
Omarov Kali Abdiuly
Editor-in-Chief Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
Job responsibilities:
- Organizes the editing of scientific and methodological literature, as well as informational and regulatory materials of the university.
- Heads the development of projects of perspective and annual thematic plans for the publication of literature taking into account the plans of editorial and preparatory work and schedules of the editorial processes of the publication.
- Provides preparation of materials for the conclusion of publishing contracts with authors and employment contracts with external editors, reviewers and other persons involved in the performance of works on the publication of literature, participates in the preparation of documents for the calculations for the work performed.
- Organizes consultations of authors in order to assist them in working on manuscripts.
Job functions:
- Accepts incoming manuscripts, checks their compliance with the established rules and conditions stipulated by publishing agreements, sends the manuscripts for review and editing.
- Considers issues related to the authors' fulfillment of contractual conditions, the editors' conclusions on manuscripts and makes decisions on the approval or rejection of their publication, sets the terms of editing publications in accordance with the applicable regulations.
- Conducts a control reading of manuscripts prepared for production, organizes a discussion of the quality of the edited material.
- Participates in the development of projects of artistic and technical design of publications.
- Signs publications for production, printing and publication.
- Coordinates the activities of the editorial and publishing department.
Phone: 8 (7242) 27-41- 61
Address: 120014, Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi str., 29 A, main building, office 303A

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