Psychological Support Center +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Psychological Support Center


Imanalieva Kuralai Erlanovna
Head of the Psychological Support Center, Master of Social Sciences in the specialty "Psychology"
The activity of the psychological service is aimed not just at diagnosing the characteristics of the personal and intellectual development of students, psychological causes of violations in education and upbringing, but primarily at the prevention and elimination of such violations.
It promotes the formation of a positive lifestyle of students, the creation of positive motivation for learning, the development of creative abilities, as well as the psychological correction of violations of personal and social development, prevention of psychological health conditions.
Main tasks:
- To increase the psychological culture of students;
- To promote the personal, intellectual and professional development of students in the process of studying at the university;
- Provide students with psychological help in extreme and critical situations;
- Provide psychological assistance in the social adaptation of first-year students;
- To identify the main problems of participants in the educational process; to indicate and identify ways to resolve them;
- To create social, psychological, pedagogical and professional conditions to ensure the creative development of students' personality, self-development and self-realization of their personal and professional potential.
In what cases can I contact the Center?
- Anxiety of any nature
- Panic attacks, fears
- Mood swings
- Conflicts and problems in relationships (in the family, with a partner, peers)
- Sleep disorders
- Depression, apathy
- Problems with academic performance
- Psychosomatics
- Self-harming behavior and suicidal tendencies
- Abusive relationships (physical, sexual, emotional abuse)
-Loss, grieving for loved ones and relatives
- Problems with self-esteem, self-confidence, impostor syndrome
- Procrastination
Телефон/факс: 8-700-727-02-94
Адрес: город Кызылорда., ул. Толе би 36
Рабочее время: Понедельник - пятница 09:00 – 18:00

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