National values and cultural direction +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

National values and cultural direction

Organization «Asyl dombra»  

Glorifying the sacred dombra, which is a witness to the centuries-old chronicle of the Kazakh people. Spiritual education of young people through the promotion and teaching of the dombra instrument, instilling in them national trends, increasing interest in National Art.
Organization of young poets «Syrly Kalam» 

To appreciate the art of creative youth who are being brought up and developing in the land of Syr, to introduce them to a new environment and develop their creativity. Participation in many literary competitions. Publication of poems on printed pages, electronic media sites.
Student theater «Zhaukazyn»  

To reveal the creative abilities of young people and contribute to the free manifestation of their talents. The development of responsibility and diligence, stage culture and organizational skills. Comprehensive support of students ' artistic and folk creativity.
Girls'organization «Kyz Zhibek» 

To teach female students the basic principles of maintaining beauty and health, living a healthy life, and their vital needs in terms of preparing for family life and household as a future mother of the nation. As well as the development of intellectual abilities, leadership qualities and talents of each girl, as well as information culture.
Dance organization «Shanyrak»

Creating an opportunity for girls and boys with talent and interest in dancing to make the most of their free time. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle through the art of dance. Our students conduct a comprehensive creative search in mastering the national identity, aesthetic taste, cultural breath and ideological expression of the people, to open the way for the free floating of national motives in the sky of art.
Club of the cheerful students «Zhaidarman» 

Effective use of students ' free time, establishing friendly relations between them and supporting the creative and comprehensive development of young people. To convey to the public the news and problems of society in a humorous way, to contribute to the development of the Kazakh language, to increase the creative abilities of young people.
Sports organization «Arlan»    

The formation of a healthy lifestyle through the involvement of student youth in sports and mass sports work. Ensuring the comprehensive development of students, strengthening and maintaining their health through physical education and sports. Cultural and patriotic education through the promotion of national games.

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