Advisor to the Rector on administrative and legal issues +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Advisor to the Rector on administrative and legal issues


Basygarayev Nurmantay Askarovich
Advisor to the Rector on administrative and legal issues

The rector's consultant must:
- ensure that the structural divisions of the University comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- participate in the development and manage activities for the safety and security of the University's entrusted facilities.
- develop a system of monitoring of financial security.
- monitor the management and optimization of the University's assets and liabilities.
- evaluate the financial security criteria and bring the information to the University rector.
- conduct monitoring to identify and predict the internal and external financial security of the University.
- control the mode of record keeping and prevent attempts of unauthorized access to materials and information of the University.
- organize and control the integrity of the University's inventory and financial resources.
- monitor the compliance of employees, students and visitors with the requirements of the security regime and compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations and discipline in academic buildings, dormitories of the University.
- monitor employees ' compliance with legal documents (instructions, norms, rules) to ensure and maintain the security of the University.
- participate in official research on the facts of loss-loss of documentation, materials and valuables of the University, dissemination of information and other violations of security rules.
- keep records, analyze and record violations of the internal regulations of the University,as well as properly store documentation of violations.
- monitor the security of University facilities, as well as the protection of objects from illegal entry.
- carry out other assignments related to administrative and legal issues.


Contact numbers: 8(7242) 27-17-74, 8(7242) 27-11-31)
Address: 29A Aiteke bi Street, office 204, Kyzylorda city


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