8D08171 - Agronomy
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

8D08171 - Agronomy

Institute  Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Agricultural technologies
Group of educational programs  D131 Crop production
Name 8D08171 - Agronomy
Accreditation Certificate
Type of EP Currently
The purpose of the educational program Training of highly qualified competitive specialists who provide innovative and economic achievements of agricultural formations in any country of the world, who have mastered social and humanitarian knowledge, are able to organize production in the sectors of agriculture and forestry, in the field of environmental protection with the necessary professional and personal competencies, and are also able to perform the functions of an educator - teacher in higher educational institutions and colleges, researcher in research institutions.
Level of education PhD student
Degree awarded Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
List of positions - pedagogical; - production and management;-research;- organizational and technological;-design and expert.
Objects of professional activity joint-stock companies in the fields of agriculture, production cooperatives, limited liability partnerships, farmers, individual, collective farms; agricultural firms; higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; research institutions.
Program features academic exchange programme, opportunity of mastering an additional educational programme (Minor) 
Form of study Daytime
Form of study It is determined by the period of mastering 180 academic credits for the entire period of study and 60 academic credits for one academic year. Accordingly, the training period is 3 years.
Language of education Kazakh
Credits/hours 180/5400
Requirements for students Postgraduate education
Program Manager Bekzhanov Serik Zholdakhmetovich

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