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Student reviews
New experience, knowledge, and acquaintances. What is Academic Mobility and how does it affect you?! Academic mobility is studying at another university for one term. In my case, it is abroad at the University of Lodz in Poland. The University of Lodz has bilateral agreements with 250 Universities around the world, and agreements have been signed with more than 400 universities under the Erasmus program. Kyzylorda Korkyt Ata university also has an agreement with the University of Lodz. This allows many students and master’s students to study on exchange in Poland and are entitled to free study. At the moment I am a 1st-year master’s student and I am studying at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection in Poland. As many of you are thinking, all lessons are held in English and help to improve communication skills in English. In addition to studying abroad, Academic Mobility provides an opportunity for being in Europe, exploring a new culture, and making friends from all over the world. In the end, I want to express my gratitude to Kyzylorda University by Korkyt Ata for the academic mobility program and such great opportunities.
Torekeeva Fariza B-21-3М (study group)
It is always important to develop your knowledge and learn new things. In this regard, I had the opportunity to study at the University of Lodz in Lodz, Poland, as part of the academic mobility program.
The exchange of experience in Poland was a great success for me, and while studying abroad, I gained invaluable international experience.During the course of the training program, I was able to discover new facets of myself by studying from strong foreign professors.In general,studying abroad has helped me change my outlook on life,creating a lot of opportunities, and I have gained experience so that in the future I can make changes in the education sector of the country .In this regard,I would like to express my gratitude to the rector and staff of Korkyt Ata University, who supported us and created all the conditions for our students.
Nurmakhan Aruzhan Aya-19-7 (Training Group)
I am 2nd year student of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Currently, I am studying by the academic mobility program at the University of Lodz in the Republic of Poland. Studying at the University of Lodz opens up many opportunities and initiatives. As a foreign country, there are good conditions for students to study.Studying in Poland University – requires a lot of willpower, hard work, patience, as well as the ability to learn a lot on your own. Foreign universities provide students with the necessary educational resources. There are laboratory tools of the latest generation, a modern library, mandatory internships in reputable companies, experienced teachers and classes of persons with extensive experience.Here we conduct classes with students from different countries and have the opportunity to learn more about the culture of each country. I would also like to tell you about the activities of the University. During extracurricular hours, the university often organizes competitions and events. These activities will help students quickly get used to the new environment and make a lot of friends.And, of course, the biggest advantage is that the lessons are taught in English. a great opportunity for students to improve their language level.
Aitbay Nuraiym АЯ-20-1 (study group)
I, Daribaeva Zhadyra, 2nd year doctoral student of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. I want to express my gratitude to the rector of the university. I had a great opportunity to continue my professional education at the University of Lodz in the Republic of Poland. According to the academic mobility program, I studied at the best universities in Europe and was trained by qualified foreign teachers. Education is mobile information that is changing rapidly, and I am very glad to have the opportunity to study at one of the leading universities in the world.
Daribayeva Zhadyra pmNo-20-1D (training group)
Learning a new language, acquiring new knowledge is a modern requirement. There is a proverb:” as many languages as you know, you are so many people." Today, we can say that knowledge of the English language is important for every person. Because knowledge of English opens up many opportunities for a person. Further development in your profession, earning a good income, working abroad, studying at well-known universities abroad, traveling to European countries, and being able to communicate freely with foreign people. I was given a great opportunity to develop my English. This is an opportunity to study in the Republic of Poland , in Lodz, at the University of Lodz under an exchange program.Knowledge of polish is very important if you say that you have been studying in Poland for a full 4 years. Or here you need to attend courses to learn Polish for the first year. The Polish diploma is valid for all eurosoyuz countries.
Advantages of studying in Poland:
* You get education from very knowledgeable, experienced teachers.
* The student is given freedom, for example, if he / she needs to go outside during the lesson, he / she should contact the teacher
Nurman Zhansulu Aya-19-7 (Training Group)
Being in a foreign country made a great impression on me, getting acquainted with the culture and traditions of this country. We made new friends, exchanged experience with them, and took many lessons. The people of Poland are very calm and, like Kazakhs, respect their language very much. And the most important thing for me was the education of Poland. The training programs and methods of his work were completely different, and this was a new world for me. It is always important to develop knowledge and learn new things. Having received education from foreign professors, I managed to overcome my weaknesses. I am very grateful to the staff of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, who gave me this experience.
Rustem Nuray Aya-18-1 (training group)
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