7M07101 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

7M07101 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances

Institute  Institute of engineering and technology
Department Engineering technologies 
Group of educational programs  М097 Chemical engineering and processes
Name 7M07101 - Chemical technology of  inorganic substances
Accreditation Certificate   
Type of EP Main
The purpose of the educational program 7M07101-Chemical technology of inorganic substances the purpose of the educational program is to provide comprehensive and quality training of qualified, competitive specialists in the field of oil and petroleum products.
Level of education Magistracy  (profile)
Degree awarded Master of Engineering and Technology
List of positions Тechnologist; - engineer; - chemist-technologist; - process engineer; - specialist;
Objects of professional activity Mining and processing plants; - enterprises for processing mineral raw materials; - enterprises for the production of inorganic acids, bases, salts and mineral fertilizers; - metallurgical industry plants; - plants for the production of construction, ceramic composite materials; - enterprises of electrochemical production, plasma chemical processes; - factories working on nanotechnology; - factory, workshop and research laboratories;
Program features Academic exchange programm
Form of study Full-time
Form of study The term of study is determined by the period of mastering  60 academic credits for the entire period of study and 60 academic credits for the academic year. Accordingly, the training period is 1 year
Language of education Kazakh
Credits/hours 60/1800
Requirements for students Нigher education
Program Manager Fayzullayeva Maria Fayzullayevna 

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