АР14870690 - «Literary and cognitive features of the sacred places of the land of Syr and the values of Islam»
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

АР14870690 - «Literary and cognitive features of the sacred places of the land of Syr and the values of Islam»



  Project manager

  Oralova Gulzira Saparovna
  Candidate of Philological Sciences
Names of priority and specialized scientific areas

Direction of research in the field of social sciences and humanities
The amount of financing
32 653 106 tg

To study the literary and educational features of the sacred places of the land of Syr on the basis of artistic thinking. To review a previously unstudied heritage in the history of the Kazakh people, give it a scientific assessment and present it as a national code. To analyze educational and folklore collections that contain information about the sacred places of the land of Syr, to determine their role in covering the problems of Islam and the development of our national literature.

Project objectives

The main objectives of the study are expected to consider the following questions:
- Identify sacred places in the region and determine their positions at the national level.
- Comprehensively study the history of sacred places, the time of creation and the social nature of the myths and legends associated with them.
- Reveal the influence of Islamic culture on the origin of myths associated with sacred places in the region, show their significance in the historical process.
-To focus on their sacred-national-ethnographic properties, to identify connections with the directions of literary development.
- Draw a conclusion about the historical, political and Islamic influence on the creation of the cultural-geographical belt of sacred places in the region.
- Collect and translate into Kazakh language myths, legends, traditions written in Arabic, Persian, Chagatai, Russian, which are stored in libraries of Central Asia, Orenburg, Turkey; systematize and scientifically substantiate their genre features.
- To study the display of Islamic values among the Turkic peoples, organize folklore and ethnographic expeditions to the republics of Central Asia and Turkic-speaking countries.
- Conduct a literary and educational analysis of materials from archaeological research in the cities of Zharkent, Asanas, Syganak, etc., which provide information about the Islamic civilization of the medieval period.
- Compile a map and guidebook to the sacred places of the land of Syr.
- From a cognitive point of view, explore the literary, linguistic, linguocultural features of sacred places in the region; contribute to their preservation in people's memory.
- Show the role of sacred places in the history of national culture.
- Assess the activities of Akhun teachers who have made a significant contribution to the development of education of religious (Islamic) content.
- Analyze the works of zhyrau poets, which are based on chanting the foundations of the Holy Book of the Koran.
- To identify the didactic and educational character, artistic and stylistic features of the works of zhyrau poets of the land of Syr.
- To comprehend the features of the objectivity of artistic time, religious direction and generalizations in the ideological and compositional system of poems-dastans of zhyrau poets.
- Systematize the poetic features of figurative expressions, plot structures in works-dastans.
- To reveal the significance of the relationship between the Islamic content in the works of the zhyrau poets of Syr and the performing skills of the zhyrshy termesh in the development of the psychology of artistic thinking of the people.
- Analyze the nature of genres borrowed from Muslim (Eastern) literature and their literary interaction with the poetry of akyns-zhyrau.

Expected results

Publication of 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and (or) Russian Science Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five) and 5 (five) articles in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by COXON.
-The sacred places of the region will be identified and popularized at the national level.
- Stories, myths and legends about sacred places will be collected, the time of their appearance and social character will be determined.
- Types of folk legends (myths, stories, legends) about the sacred places of the land of Syr will be collected and classified.
- Folk legends, myths and stories about the sacred places of the region will be collected and classified.
- The etymology of the sacred places of the land of Syr, the historicity of legends and stories about them, the national character of the characters in the legends will be identified and explored.
- An onomastic scientific analysis of the names of sacred places will be carried out.
- An examination of the etymology of the sacred places of the land of Syr and the historicity of myths about them will be carried out.
- Quotations from archaeological excavations and works will be given, and the results of philological and ethnological research will be introduced into scientific circulation.
- The monograph “Syr onirinin kieli oryndar men Islam kundylyktarynyn adebi tanymdyk manyzy” (Literary and educational features of the sacred places of the land of Syr and the values of Islam) will be published in a volume of 20 pp.
-Based on the results of scientific research, students and undergraduates will be trained to participate in scientific projects, articles will be published in the materials of international and republican conferences and in scientific publications. The monograph published as a result of the project will be distributed in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.
A 12-page textbook “Religious and educational ideas in the works of the poets of Syr” will be published.
- The materials of the scientific project will supplement theoretical and practical research on the problems of domestic and foreign literary and religious studies. They will also determine the Turkic integration of Islamic values.
- A trilingual (Kazakh-Russian-English) photo album will be released
“Sacred places of the land of Syr, Islamic values.”
- A map of sacred places in the Kyzylorda region will be compiled.
- An educational guidebook-booklet dedicated to the sacred places of the land of Syrdarya will be prepared.
- An international scientific and practical conference will be held on the topic “Sacred places of the land of Syr, science and culture of Islam.”
-Working trips to related Turkic-speaking countries will be organized, and a symposium will be held on the topic “The influence of Islamic values and literary and cultural ties.”
- Onomastic and etymological studies of places not included in the list of sacred places of the Kyzylorda region will be carried out, and proposals will be made to the relevant authorities.
- The results of the scientific project will supplement theoretical and practical research on the problems of Russian literary criticism, history, and cultural studies, and will allow us to look at some of them from other positions and points of view.
- The purpose of the upcoming defenses of master's theses is the poetics of the works of Seitzhan Bekshentayuly and Moldakhmet Dabyluly, the successor of the traditions of the poets of Syr.
Implementation period
2022-2024 y

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