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AP19577048 - "Investigation of the mechanisms of nucleon transfers and the formation of neutron-excess isotopes in nuclear reactions with heavy nuclei"

Azhibekov Aidos Kazbekovich
Experimental and theoretical studies of the mechanisms of nucleon transfer reactions for the synthesis of new unexplored neutron-excess heavy and superheavy nuclei.
Project objectives
Preparatory work and determination of optimal conditions for the experiment: ion-optical settings of the separator, selection of the optimal energy of the incident ion beam, preparation of calibration reactions with targets 162Dy, 174Yb, 198Pt, preparation of the GABRIELA detection system for recording reaction products.
Conducting experiments to study nucleon transfer reactions using heavy high-intensity beams of ions 48Ca, 50Ti, 54Cr, 26Mg and heavy target nuclei 197Au, 208Pb, 232Th, 238U. The SHELS kinematic separator will be used to separate the products of the nucleon transfer reaction. The SHELS separator includes a rotating target irradiated by a beam of accelerated ions extracted by the U-400 accelerator (FLNR JINR, Dubna, Russia).
Theoretical studies of the properties of low-lying collective states and the reduced probabilities of transitions between them for heavy nuclei based on the geometric collective quadrupole model. Calculation and study of collective nuclear potentials. Study of the influence of non-axial deformation on the description of the properties of low-lying collective states of heavy nuclei. Calculation of wave functions of collective states depending on deformation parameters. Application of the cluster model to the description of low-lying states of negative parity in heavy nuclei. Study of rotational bands of molecular type (states with different parities alternate). Analysis of reduced transition probabilities in these bands as a function of angular momentum. Calculation of critical angular moments at which a phase transition from octupole vibrations to stable octupole deformation occurs. Analysis of the softness of heavy nuclei relative to mirror-asymmetric deformation.
Theoretical studies of experimental data on reactions of nucleon transfers and fusion with heavy nuclei within the framework of a non-stationary approach based on the numerical solution of the non-stationary Schrödinger equation. Description of the evolution of the wave function of the outer nucleons of the nucleus to study the dynamics of nuclear reactions. Determination of the mechanisms of reactions of nucleon transfers and fusion with heavy nuclei.
Using the coupled channel method calculate the wave functions of reaction channels. Draw cross sections for merging channels. Obtain interaction potentials within the framework of the double folding method, while using microscopic or model-dependent distribution functions of the density of nuclear matter. Investigate the contribution of nucleon transfers to the fusion cross section depending on energies, starting with sub-barrier ones. Determine the values of multipole strains and provide comparisons with values obtained from other sources.
Expected results
As a result of the implementation of the tasks set within the project, new experimental data will be obtained on reactions with heavy nuclei, theoretical studies will be carried out on the mechanism and dynamics of nuclear reactions of nucleon transfers with heavy nuclei, new theoretical and experimental results will be obtained on the structure of these nuclei and its influence on the mechanisms nuclear reactions. The results of the work will be very useful for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of nuclear fusion reactions and nucleon transfers with heavy nuclei.
1) Based on the results of the scientific project, the following will be published:
- at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and included in the 1 (first), 2 (second) or 3 (third) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database;
- at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by KOKSNVO.
- or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and included in the 1 (first) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database.
2) Publication of the monograph is not planned;
3) There are no plans to obtain patents;
4) Development of scientific, technical and design documentation is not planned;
5) Dissemination of work results among potential users, the scientific community and the general public;
6) New experimental data will be obtained on reactions with heavy nuclei, theoretical studies of the mechanism and dynamics of nuclear reactions of nucleon transfers with heavy nuclei will be carried out, new theoretical and experimental results will be obtained on the structure of these nuclei and its influence on the mechanisms of nuclear reactions.
6.1) Field of application: experimental and theoretical nuclear physics. Target consumers: research groups working in the field of experimental and theoretical nuclear physics; doctoral students, master's students studying in the following specialties: Nuclear physics, Theoretical physics, Technical physics; world scientific community of experimental and theoretical nuclear physics.
6.2) The results of the study will allow a more detailed analysis of the results of experimental studies on reactions with heavy nuclei, on the structure of these nuclei and its influence on the mechanisms of nuclear reactions.
6.3) Applicability and (or) possibility of commercialization of the obtained scientific results... The results form the basis of descriptive methods for the structure of nuclei. Commercialization is not provided.
6.4) Social, economic, environmental, scientific, technical, multiplicative and (or) other effect of the project results with justification.
The social effect of the project is the training of master's and doctoral students in scientific work with methods of theoretical analysis in Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics.
On February 8, 2022, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in his speech at an extended government meeting, stated that Kazakhstan needs nuclear energy. Experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental processes and mechanisms occurring during nuclear reactions are an integral part of the development of nuclear energy. Therefore, the results obtained from the implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to the development of science in Kazakhstan in general, and nuclear energy in particular.
6.5) The development of theoretical methods used during the implementation of the project is a popular and pressing issue of modern nuclear physics. The results of the work will be very useful for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of nuclear fusion reactions and nucleon transfers with heavy nuclei.
Implementation period
2023 –2025
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