AR19677780 - «Ideals of statehood by M. Shokaya: lessons of history, ideological continuity» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

AR19677780 - «Ideals of statehood by M. Shokaya: lessons of history, ideological continuity»




Project manager

Taiman Sagat Tamgybayevich
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Names of priority and specialized scientific areas

Research in the field of social sciences and humanities
The amount of financing
53 153 772,85 tg
Project objective

Definition, analysis, systematization of the meaning of Mustafa Shokai’s ideas about “United Turkestan”, independence, national state, national spirit, national language, unity of the people, political and social nature of society in modern integration processes and the formation of the concept of statehood in Kazakhstan, providing formulated scientific proposals, introduction into scientific circulation, promotion.
Project objectives
To achieve the goal of the scientific project, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- Review, systematize and analyze the work of scientists who have studied the integration of Turkic-speaking states.
Expected results
An analysis and scientific examination of the ideas of M. Shokai and the processes of integration of Turkic-speaking states and the positions of the Kazakh state will be carried out, the results will be introduced into scientific circulation in the form of a monograph, textbook, article, and formulated scientific recommendations will be given on the effective organization of the process of integration of Turkic states at the present stage.
Implementation period
2023 - 2025 y

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