"GEOCLUB" scientific research regional studies circle
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

"GEOCLUB" scientific research regional studies circle


The main direction of the club's work is the organization of regional studies for the purpose of a comprehensive study of the Syr region.

- Tasks performed by the "GEOCLUB" research local history circle:Collection of information necessary for studying and studying the peculiarities of the nature of Syr region, socio-economic situation, animals;

- Collection of valuable written data of scientific and educational importance from archival funds and mass media sources in regional and district centers;

- Publication of research works on the nature of the region and place-names in mass media and scientific journals;

- Organization of scientific and practical conferences, opinion contests and special educational expeditions for the purpose of comprehensive promotion of natural monuments, natural tourist landscapes, nature of the Syr region;
Guiding the students in the research work in the field of regional studies, presenting new, unexplored topics related to the region for diploma works and leading them.

      The structure and content of the work of the "GEOCLUВ" research local history circle:

"GEOCLUВ" center of regional studies works in three scientific directions, which aim to study the peculiarities of the nature of the Syr region, socio-economics, peculiarities of the flora and fauna of our region, and the place of the region in the development of science in the same direction.

1. Geography, ecology and tourism (Science of Science, Senior Lecturer O.T. Aidarov)

2. Social and economic (Doctor of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Toktaganova G.B., Master of Geographical Sciences Tazhenova S.K.)

3. Flora and fauna and ecology of the region (Ph.D., associate professor Baikenjeeva A.T., master of natural sciences Yerbolatov N.N.)

According to each direction, the study of the Syrdarya region consists of three stages. From archival funds and mass sources, during the period of expeditionary research, important data necessary for field expeditions, archival-Museum, ethnographic, toponymic, geographical-geomorphological, Botanical-Zoological studies are collected annually in order to comprehensively study a certain territory of the Syr region. At the stage of camera processing, the collected information data is analyzed, put into a single system, and thought conclusions are summed up. At the stage of summing up the results of the work, the accumulated valuable materials are transferred to Popular Science publications and published as scientific and practical conferences, special collections or monographs..

Practical significance: in order to protect and promote the heritage of the natural conditions of the native land, it is planned to conduct scientific and educational excursions, broadcasts and interviews on the regional TV channels "Kogam TV", "Kazakhstan-Kyzylorda", publish scientific articles in the regional newspapers "Syr Boli", "Akmeshit weekly", "Syr Nature", "Nature tynysy" and other publications of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University "Bulletin", "Syr graduate" and others. Relations with scientific organizations: the Institute of geography and the Department of "Country studies" of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, named after Y. Zhakhaev. Kyzylorda is working on the exchange of experience with the Rice Research Institute. Organization of the expedition "geography of sacred places of Kyzylorda region" together with the Regional Museum of local lore.

Members of the research Local History Circle" GEOCLUВ



Aidarov Orazkhan Tursunkozhaevich

Education: Abay. Kazpi, 1994, geographer-ecologist

Position: head of the research Local History Circle"GEOCLUВ", Ph. D., Senior Lecturer of the EP" biology, geography and chemistry".

Scientific direction: geography and tourism, ecology of the Syrdarya region.




Toktaganova Gulzhas Bodanovna

Education: Al-Farabi. Kaznu., master's degree-2000, geographer.

Position: Senior Researcher of the research circle of local lore" GEOCLUВ", doctor of Philosophy PhD, Head of the Department of biology, geography and chemistry.

Scientific direction: socio – economic situation of the Syr region, landscape ecology.



Sandugash Tazhenova Kalmakanovna

Education: Al-Farabi. Kaznu., master's degree-2000, geographer.

Activity: junior researcher of the research circle of local lore" GEOCLUВ", master of Geographical Sciences, senior lecturer of the EP "biology  geography and chemistry".

Scientific direction: place and water names of the Syr region and their geographical problems.







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