RWS - 2023 +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

RWS - 2023

Participants of the competition of students' research works
The duration of the I stage is until January 31, 2023, the II stage is from February 1 to April 1, 2023.
Stage I
Terms of participation
You can participate in the contest if you
- student scientific organizations, students of the institute on the recommendation of the supervisor.
About the contest:
- any student prepares his scientific papers;
- get 2 reviews on the chosen direction (from university teachers and other university teachers) ;
- to review the work from the head of the department, it is necessary to have a recommendation protocol;
- prepared scientific papers are anti-plagiarism;
The composition of the competition commission is approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board-the Rector of the University with the participation of leading scientists of each industry.
The composition of the commission selects projects from among the collected scientific papers and appoints places.
Stage II
From among the designated places, the winner is given a referral to participate in the republican competitive project.
Awarded with a diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. 

Information about the prizes of the II stage of the republican contest of research works of students of the Korkyt University of Kyzylorda 2022

Information about the prizes of the II stage of the republican contest of research works of students of the Korkyt University of Kyzylorda 2023

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