7M07105-Electric Power Industry (Renewable energy )
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

7M07105-Electric Power Industry (Renewable energy )

Institute   Engineering and Technology
Department Electric Power Engineering, Technosphere Safety and Ecology
Group of educational programs  JEP  M099 Electrical engineering and power engineering

7M07105-Electric Power Industry (Renewable energy )

Type of EP New
The purpose of the educational program Training of specialists with modern knowledge on the formulation of tasks and programs of scientific research on problematic issues of the electric power industry, the development of methods of theoretical and experimental research, conducting theoretical and experimental research, processing, analysis and generalization of research results, the use of computer programs for modeling static and dynamic processes, on the design and competent provision of scientific and design products- training of specialists with the ability to manage teams and lead research work.
Level of education Magistracy
List of positions


- Power stations and substations

- Electrical networks and systems

- Power supply of urban systems, industrial enterprises and agricultural complexes 

- Organization of design and scientific research in the energy sector

- Institutes of design and scientific research of electric power facilities

- Electrical engineering laboratories, measurement complexes

- Relay protection and automation of electric power systems

- Complexes and power plants based on 

- power plants, power plants and complexes based on renewable energy sources • power supply systems, cities, industrial enterprises, agriculture 

- electrical engineering laboratories, measuring complexes

Objects of professional activity

The sphere of professional activity, which includes the field of science and technology, which includes a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating conditions for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity. As well as organizations of higher and postgraduate education, research and design organizations.

Program features

Joint educational program with the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"

Form of study full-time 
Form of study The period of study is determined by the period of mastering 120 academic credits for the entire period of study and 60 academic credits for the academic year. Accordingly, the training period is 2 years.
Language of education Kazakh
Credits/hours 120/3600  
Requirements for students

higher education

Program Manager

Shegenbayeva Raykhan Kumisbekovna


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