6В08607- - Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

6В08607- - Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands

Institute  Institute of Engineering and Technology 
Department Water management and land management 
Group of educational programs  В082 Water resources and water use
Name 6В08607-Melioration, recultivation and protection of lands
Type of EP Currently
The purpose of the educational program Тraining of competitive and in-demand specialists capable of professional skills in the field of land reclamation, with the necessary professional and personal competencies in water and agriculture, ready to perform production and technical, organizational, management, design activities in the field of reclamation and land protection, as well as for successful activities in enterprises and organizations of various sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan and abroad.
Level of education Bachelor'sdegree (Higher)
Degree awarded Degrees awarded: Bachelor of agriculture in education program 
List of positions Hydraulic engineering, engineer, design engineer, manufacturer of works (superintendent).
Objects of professional activity Local, district, regional and national water, agricultural, environmental and expert institutions, agricultural companies, farms, collective farms.
Program features Academic exchange program, the possibility of mastering an additional educational program (Minor)
Form of study Full-time, Full-time reduced training on the basis of higher, technical and vocational education.
Form of study It is determined by the period of mastering 240 academic credits for the entire period of study and 60 academic credits for one academic year. Accordingly, the training period is 4 years. With an increase or decrease in the period of study, a student is allowed to receive more or less academic credits in one academic year. The term of study of persons with higher education or technical and vocational or post-secondary education is established taking into account the prerequisites of the student, determined on the basis of the transcript (diploma supplement). At the same time, credits are recalculated and, if they are sufficient and the educational program is continuous, previously mastered disciplines are taken into account.
EPVO partner Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University
Language of education Kazakh
Credits/hours 240/4730
Requirements for students Postgraduate education; Higher education; higher specialized education; secondary general education
Graduate Model


Educational program development plan for 2024-2028


Program Manager Kenzhalieva Bakhytkul Turebaevna

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