«Oqyrman club»
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

«Oqyrman club»


The "Oqyrman club" functions in the ЕP "Economics and Management". 

The mission:

- Increased interest in books;

- Support of personal development through literature;

- Creating a community through a common interest.

All participants read the same book for a month or a designated time and discuss it together during the next meeting. Together, this allows for a comprehensive exploration of the same topic. All participants immerse themselves in a deeper discussion of the book they have read.

Association of Readers among students of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University:

For 9 months, almost 40 readers have analyzed the books;

In 9 months, 6 meetings were organized and 6 textbooks were discussed.

How are the meetings going?

1. The monthly book discussion is held at a specific location. For example: it is held in libraries, coffee shops, cultural centers, and outdoor areas.

2. Before the meeting, the group members read a specific book or review the topics proposed for preliminary discussion.

3. Each participant can share their impressions of the book, what thoughts they had or what special feelings they experienced. At the end of the meeting, we choose the next book.

What does the Oqyrman Club provide?

1) Each book presents new ideas and views;

2) development of communication and language skills;

3) Book discussion is a great project that allows you to meet new people and communicate with people who have common interests.;

4) This project promotes intellectual and spiritual growth and strengthens interest in literature.

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