Creating a harmonious society through education and upbringing is an important mission of modern science +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 18 December 2024
  • 952

Creating a harmonious society through education and upbringing is an important mission of modern science

On the instructions of the Head of State, 500 Kazakhstani scientists annually undergo an international internship at the expense of the state. They are given the opportunity to gain new knowledge and conduct research together with foreign colleagues. Among them there are representatives of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Today we are talking with Serikhan Alkhanovich Zhuzeev, who is studying in the UK as part of the Bolashak program.

- Serik Alkhanuly, for several months now you have been in another country, far from home. What surprises you, what upsets you? What cultural, everyday and research discoveries have you made for yourself?

- Staying abroad is, of course, a great experience. Since arriving in the UK, I have been particularly struck by the high level of organization of the education and research system. I have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the educational system and research areas at the Universities of Reading, Oxford and Cambridge. Each of these universities pays great attention not only to the acquisition of knowledge, but also to the development of creative thinking, analytical approach and free discussion.

From a cultural point of view, the history and traditions of Great Britain are incredibly rich and diverse. My interest in the country increased even more after exploring the historical sites of London, Warwick Castle and the famous libraries of Oxford. In addition, I am impressed by the British approach to time, the principle of "time is money" is relevant here, the British pay great attention to planning.

From a scientific point of view, I am very inspired by the fact that the British educational system focuses on the individual development of students. Universities provide ample opportunities for free thinking and expression of ideas. But this experience has also taught me patience, adaptation and a deeper awareness of my capabilities. Every day is full of new opportunities and discoveries, which makes my journey special and meaningful.

- Who or what influenced your decision to pursue science?  What issues does your research address?  How will the results of your research be useful?

- My choice to pursue science was influenced by my life mentors and the need for professional development. Even while studying at the university, I thought a lot about systemic changes in education and effective management processes. I can say with confidence that my growth and success were made possible in many ways thanks to the support of the teachers of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Recently, I have been particularly attracted to new research directions and methods. In addition, the desire to study the best international experience in the field of education and adapt it to the conditions of Kazakhstan prompted me to choose a scientific path.

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University has entered a new stage of development in recent years. It began to occupy positions in the world rankings. Karimova Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna, who actively promotes the university, played a major role in this direction. Our experience of internships abroad has become possible, among other things, thanks to her support.

I am currently doing a research internship at the University of Reading in the UK. My research is devoted to the issues of effective management of the education system and the development of leadership principles. In particular, I pay attention to the role of leadership in quality management, supporting the professional development of teachers and improving student academic results.

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- Staying abroad is an opportunity for cultural exchange. How do you use it?

- Living abroad is not only about getting an education, but also a unique opportunity for intercultural dialogue. Being in the UK for several months, I try to actively study the way of life and cultural values of the local population.  The time spent in the famous Bodleian Library at Oxford University was a great spiritual experience for me.

Cultural exchange for me is not only an opportunity to learn something new, but also to present my culture and be proud of it. This experience lays a solid foundation for future international cooperation and projects in the field of education.

 - What do you do in your free time? Were you able to make new friends? Why are they interesting and attractive to you?  

- I spend most of my free time at the University of Reading library. This library has become a real center of creativity for me. Here I am working on my dissertation and writing scientific articles. In addition, I get access to new literature and sources necessary for research.

The library is not only a place of study, but also an environment for establishing professional contacts. Here we meet with teachers and scientists from different fields.

I find new friends not only in the library, but also at various university events. Most of my colleagues are studying the education systems in their countries and are working on projects aimed at improving them. Their experience broadens my horizons and strengthens my scientific interest.

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 - Let's talk about science.  Do you think there is a big gap between the science of Kazakhstan and the UK?

 - There are certain differences between the science of Kazakhstan and the UK, but they reflect the peculiarities of the path of scientific development of each country. Science has deep roots in the UK, and a culture of research has been formed over the centuries.  Scientists can work here at any time. For example, at the University of Reading, libraries and laboratories are available around the clock.

In the UK, most research is focused on solving specific problems, and its funding is supported by both the private sector and the government. An interesting point: while visiting the library of University of Oxford, I noticed that local students and scientists achieve great results in researching everyday, very simple and practical concepts and problems. At the same time, at the University of Cambridge, scientists are more focused on narrow specialization and are becoming recognized experts in their field at the global level.

In Kazakhstan, pedagogical science, with an emphasis on the study of national traditions and culture, has a unique advantage. We conduct a lot of worthy research in the field of Kazakh ethnopedagogy, customs and their integration into the modern education system. However, in some areas, the level of research funding is low and the laboratory infrastructure is underdeveloped. For example, Kazakh scientists sometimes have to travel abroad to conduct complex experiments, which significantly complicates the scientific process.

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From personal experience, I can say that in the UK, every researcher is given the opportunity to work on projects in accordance with their interests. For example, at the University of Reading, one of the professors shared his experience of using artificial intelligence in teaching students, which inspired me to add new ideas to my own research.

In conclusion, although UK science is more organizationally developed, Kazakh science has great opportunities to popularize national values on the world stage. I am sure that by combining the scientific cultures of the two countries, we will be able to take a worthy place in the international scientific community.

- What are the prospects for the development of Kazakh science? What breakthrough discoveries in science should we expect in the next 10 years?

- I think that Kazakh science has a great future. In recent years, the government has been paying special attention to supporting science, and we are already seeing positive changes in this area. For example, programs for young scientists, educational opportunities abroad – all this is aimed at developing the scientific potential of our country.

I am sure that in the coming years Kazakhstan will make a significant breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence and digital technologies. This area is already actively developing, and in the future it will have a great impact on education and the economy, especially on production processes and the healthcare system.

In addition, our country has great prospects in the field of energy and ecology. Kazakhstan has opportunities for the development of alternative energy sources, and the rational use of natural resources will allow the implementation of major environmental projects at the global level.

- If you had the opportunity to ask any scientist of any era one question, who would this scientist be and what kind of question would you ask him?

- If I had the opportunity, I would have chosen Al-Farabi. His name is known in the history of world science as the "second teacher". He left an invaluable legacy not only in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, but also in ethics and education.

I would ask: "Is it possible to create a harmonious society through education and upbringing, if so, what principles should be followed for this?"  This question is of great importance to me, because in his writings Al-Farabi sought to explain the foundations of an ideal society, exploring the harmony of morality and reason. He deeply understood the role of science and education in the development of mankind and in his era tried to strengthen ties between cultures.

In addition, his ideas on the application of knowledge not only theoretically, but also in practical terms, as well as on the development of cooperation and mutual understanding between people are directly relevant to our lives. His answers and thoughts could certainly become a guideline for the further development of science and society. 

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