The potential of international partnership is growing +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 27 December 2024
  • 470

The potential of international partnership is growing

Since September, 14 foreign scientists have come to the laboratory of the engineering profile "Physico-chemical Methods of Analysis" of our university and exchanged experiences. This is the result of the international cooperation of the educational institution in the field of science.

The work carried out at the university in the framework of research areas was discussed with foreign scientists, and joint plans were considered.
December 09-19
Lozowitska Bozen - Director of the Regional Experimental Station of the Polish National Research Institute "Institute of Plant Protection", PhD. Research interests: analytical chemistry, agriculture, ecotoxicology, ecology, environment, pollution chemistry, risk assessment, plant protection, toxicology, xenobiotics.
November 12-15 
Mikhail Korsakov - Yaroslav State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky, Director of the M.V.Dorogov Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer Center, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor.
Anton Shetnev - an employee of the M.V.Dorogov Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer Center, PhD, Associate Professor.
Sergey Baykov - an employee of the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University.
The scientific visit was implemented within the framework of the scientific project AP23490015 "Design, synthesis and chemical transformation of cyclic amidine systems and their conjugates with natural acids for biomedical applications".
November 5-9 
Andrey Filonov, Yanina Delegan, Alexander Bogun - employees of G.K. Scryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of  Microorganisms  RAS.
The scientific visit was carried out within the framework of the scientific project AP23489931 "Studying the taxonomic diversity and biotechnological potential of microorganisms in oil-contaminated soils of the Aral Sea region for choosing a bioremediation strategy."
October 29 - November 3  
Margarita Neganova - a Doctor of Biological Sciences, a leading researcher at A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds.
Yulia Alexandrova - a Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher at A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds.
Elmira Gibadullina - a Senior researcher at A.E.Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry.
These scientists, together with chemical scientists from our university, are currently implementing the AP23490056 research project "Modification of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids of vegetable oil from rice husks with pharmacophore fragments - creation of antitumor compounds."
October 16-23
Yulia Alekseenok - a researcher at I.M.Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Candidate of Geographical Sciences. 
Anastasia Kruglyak - an engineer at I.M.Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics.
During their stay at the laboratory, they presented their research on "Applied research using the EG-5 electrostatic generator". They spoke in detail about the role of the electrostatic generator in nuclear research, its applications and importance in scientific research. 
 September 20 - October 4 
Andrey Lyubchik - a leading researcher at the Deep Technology Laboratory Research Center at Lusofona University.
Sergey Lyubchik - the head of the Deep Technology Laboratory Research Center at Lusofona University and a PhD in chemical engineering.

Several research projects are being implemented jointly with scientists, including the development of medicines based on phytomaterials for the prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and the production of new sorbents through the processing of rice and oil waste.

Foreign scientists shared their experience and gave lectures to the staff of the laboratory of the engineering profile of the educational institution “Physico-chemical Methods of Analysis” and the Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical and Biological Research named after T.D.Kuanyshbaev, teaching professors of the Educational Institution “Engineering Technologies” and the Educational Institution “Biology, Geography and Chemistry”, young scientists, doctoral students and undergraduates. In the future, joint partnership projects will be continued.

 Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University
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