Microbiological research center opened in Kyzylorda
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 02 December 2022
  • 1805

Microbiological research center opened in Kyzylorda

  As part of the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, a microbiological research center named after Sadanov Amangeldy Kurbanovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, and twice laureate of the State Prize has been opened.

  At the solemn event, the Chairman of the Board-Rector Beibitkul Karimova emphasized the outstanding contribution of the scientist to the cause of science and education.

  "Amangeldy Kurbanovich makes a great contribution to the prosperity and development of the Kyzylorda University of Korkyt Ata, where he received his education. Including for the implementation of joint research projects, training of scientific personnel, internships of professors-teachers of our university, as well as for equipping the "Microbiological Research Center" and obtaining quality education for the younger generation," Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna noted.


  Amangeldy Kurbanovich is a graduate of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. After graduation, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after W. R. Williams, Eastern Branch of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V.Lenin, doctoral candidate of the Department of Soil Biology of the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov.  As a result of his tireless work, the scientist received the title of Candidate of Sciences in 1984, and Doctor of Sciences in 1995.

 The scientist created his school by bringing together scientists studying biotechnology and soil microbiology, one of the newest scientific fields. In addition, he opened the Industrial Microbiology plant for the production of biological and medical drugs. The derived drugs have already been used to improve the health of the population. In addition, 8 new domestic technologies of biological products for agriculture, environmental protection, and veterinary medicine have been developed and put into production. 80-90 tons of various biological products are produced and sold from the plant annually.

 According to the results of Amangeldi Sadanov's research works, 1036 scientific works have been published. Of these, 620 scientific articles, 24 monographs, 39 manuals and textbooks for universities have been prepared, 155 copyright certificates and patents, and trademarks have been obtained.

 Under the guidance of the scientist, 40 candidates of sciences and 17 doctors of sciences have been trained, today the teacher's students work in countries near and far abroad, in all corners of our country.


 The painstaking work of Amangeldi Kurbanuly was highly appreciated by the state. In particular, he is twice a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, the owner of the orders "Kazakstannyn enbek sinirgen kayratkeri", "Kurmet" and "Parasat", and the owner of the sign "Bilim beru isinin uzdigi".

 It is worth noting that at the presentation of the microbiological research center, the honorary opening at the ceremony was awarded to Beibitkul Sarsemkhanovna and Amankeldy Kurbanovich.

 The solemn meeting was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, veteran teachers, teachers and students, students and contemporaries of the scientist.


Media Center of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt ata
Сontact number: 87242 26-21-34
e-mail: kmu.kmu@list.ru

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