Kyzylorda scientists proposed to introduce bio-fertilizer Terra Preta into production +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 15 December 2022
  • 1651

Kyzylorda scientists proposed to introduce bio-fertilizer Terra Preta into production

Scientists of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University have developed an innovative technology for obtaining Terra Preta biofertilizer from rice straw and have proven the effectiveness of its use in agriculture.

In the course of experimental work in the farm "Turmagambet", the yield of cultivated crops with the use of bio-fertilizer Terra Preta increased to 30-40 percent. This was reported by scientists at a meeting with the participation of agricultural industry specialists.


This year, under the budget program 019 "Services for the dissemination and implementation of innovative experience", the project "Increasing crop yields with the use of biofertilizer obtained from the processing of rice waste in increasing soil fertility" was implemented.

In accordance with the agreement between the Department of Agriculture and Land Relations of the Kyzylorda region, the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, the farm "Turmagambet" carried out work on the project.

At the meeting, the head of the University's engineering laboratory, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, project manager Nurlybek Akhatayev spoke about the work done in the farm "Turmagambet".

- A place has been prepared for processing rice straw and husks into biofertilizer, work has been carried out on the production of biofertilizer necessary for the demonstration site. An area of 2 hectares has been selected from Turmagambet LLP for the preparation of acreage and sowing operations. In the spring, the moat was leveled, plowed, cleared, and the arable land was cleared. When processing the site where the Technology is being implemented, with the help of biofertilizers, 10 tons/hectare were processed at a rate. Control of soil moisture and other parameters was carried out by modern methods of physico-chemical analysis, – said Nurlybek Akhatayev.

Also at the meeting, the chief researcher of the laboratory of engineering profile "Physico-chemical methods of Analysis", Professor, chief scientific executor of the project Nurbol Appazov told about where the idea of producing Terra Preta fertilizer came from and about the advantages.


- This is the first case in Kazakhstan, although the production of biofertilizer from corn husks, residues of other crops is practiced internationally. In particular, in the Kyzylorda region, the main goal was to obtain rice husks grown in large quantities. Every year, rice husks and straw are burned in a special area as an undesirable substance. As a result, impurities harmful to the human body were released from the smoke. University scientists have developed the most effective technology for the efficient use of thousands of tons of agricultural waste.

 The advantage of the new biofertilizer is that it has a high humus content, a property that increases a number of soil indicators. In particular, it lowers the salinity of the soil. Maintains humidity, increases the humus content in the soil. As a result, the crop yield increases to 40%. Other fertilizers will have unpleasant consequences if you add them to the sown area in excess. And the use of Terra Preta in large quantities will in no way harm the harvest. As well as fattening biochar from rice husks. it can be used to increase the strength of concrete," Nurbol Appazov said.

It should be noted that melons grown using Terra Preta fertilizer yield from 25 to 33, tomatoes – from 60 to 75, carrots – from 50 to 65, potatoes – from 40 to 50, watermelons – from 100 to 128, cucumbers – from 30 to 37 tons.

At the event, a researcher of the laboratory, participant of the toad Rakhmetulla Zhapparbergenov familiarized with the technology of production and processing of fertilizers.

Today, the effectiveness of biofertilizer Terra Preta has been scientifically proven, which significantly contributes to increasing crop yields. Scientists suggested that entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture use this fertilizer.



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