"Graduate - employer: prospects for effective partnership"
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 12 January 2023
  • 1554

"Graduate - employer: prospects for effective partnership"

"Energy Day" is a professional holiday for all employees of the energy industry, covering the generation, transmission and sale of electric and thermal energy to consumers.

The Department of "Electric Power, Technosphere Safety and Ecology" of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University organized a round table on the topic "University – graduate - employer: prospects for effective partnership" in honor of the professional holiday. The event was attended by graduates of the specialty "Electric Power Industry" and representatives of employers of the region, students.

During the meeting, issues and work in this area were discussed. Production specialists explained what requirements are imposed on young employees, how to effectively use modern technologies.  The students received answers to their questions and exchanged opinions.

The event was held by the head of the Department of "Electric Power, Technosphere Safety and Ecology", Associate Professor Gulnar Sydykova.

It is worth noting that from the production facilities, the chief expert of Kazakhenergosaraptama-Kyzylorda LLP Meirambai Akhmetov, Chief Power Engineer of PetroKazakhstan-Kumkol Resources JSC Akhmet Seraliev, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Development of Kyzylorda Distribution Grid Company JSC Nurzhan Kuzdibayev, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Kyzylorda Thermal Power Plant Bakytzhan Moldymanov, Director of KELMOSS LLP Gabit Saulebayev, Head of the Laboratory of Metrology and Verification of JSC "Kyzylorda Distribution Electric Grid Company" Gulzira Kalmenova, Director of the Agricultural Center named after I. Abdykarimova – teachers of special disciplines of the Higher Technical College-Ainur Zhumagulova, Marzhan Kalmagambetova, Gaini Seitzhanova, Aizhan Zhumagulova.

During the meeting, the chairman of the Alumni Association of the University, Ph.D. in Economics, Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management Gulshat Duzelbaeva presented the graduates with memorable gifts from the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.


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Department of "Electric Power Engineering, Technosphere Safety and Ecology"

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